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X-Pro1 Diopters, new X200 coming soon.

LIke other manufactors also FUji will announce plenty of new cameras and lenses at Photokina in September. And you can bet on it that one of the new cameras will be the X200. The current X100 is getting massive discounts in many stores (Example -$200 at BHphoto) and it even got a “discontinued” mark in some of them. Meantime we had a new (samll) Fuji X PRO 1 announcement. Here it is:

Fujifilm has announced that it will introduce Diopter Correction Lenses as an accessory for the X-Pro1.
Fujifilm is developing its own brand of Diopter Correction Lenses to accommodate near and far sighted customers who use the X-Pro 1 camera.
The Fujifilm Diopter Correction Lenses will enable these customers to view and enjoy the X-Pro1 Hybrid Multi Viewfinder more effectively.
Manufactured in Japan, Fujifilm’s specially designed 19mm Diopter Correction Lenses are packaged individually in the following six strengths:  +3, +2, +1, -1, -2, -3.
Lens strength is expressed as diopters whereby the higher the diopter, the stronger the lens. The plus (+) or minus (-) sign before the diopter strength indicates the type of lens.
Fujifilm Senior Category Manager – Imaging, Daniel Paul, said the new Diopter Correction Lenses will be a handy and practical accessory for those X-Pro1 customers with prescription glasses.
“The Diopter Correction Lenses will help to improve focus when capturing photos using the Fujifilm X-Pro1,” Mr Paul said.
They are expected to be available in August 2012.

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