I guess Samsung managers are hitting their heads against the wall trying to figure out why their NX system isn’t becoming popular as it should. There could be many reason why their strategy isn’t working but it certainly doesn’t depend form their lens offering (and future roadmap). Photozone (Click here) just tested the Samsung 85mm f/1.4 lens and got a huge appraisal by the reviewer Klaus. If you know Klaus you will also know that he is very sever in his judgment. But he writes about that lens: “The Samsung NX 85mm f/1.4 ED SSA is a lighthouse product – it’s a truly professional grade lens and the best news is that it’s even a comparatively affordable one (in Europe at least). It stands out from the crowd – also quality-wise – which is why we recommend it highly to all Samsung NX users.“
Overall I think Samsung needs a breakthrough camera like Fuji did with the , Sony with the or Olympus with the [shoplink 100170]E-M5[/shoplink]. Maybe that would help them to get a momentum?
Menatime here are the search links to the superb Samsung lens: .