The Most Important and Beautiful Fujifilm Camera Will Be Announced Next Week!
Next week, on January 20/21, Fujifilm will announce the most beautiful instant camera I’ve ever seen: The Insta WIDE EVO! I’m sure Fujifilm will sell a ton of these because not only is it incredibly beautiful, but it also features a unique and cool element from the “film” era.
Let me tell you all about it:
I have the images, but the source has asked me not to use them. If you have images that I can share, please send them to me at: or use this contact box. I can describe the camera in detail so that when the announcement happens next week, you’ll know I was telling the truth!
In my personal opinion, this is the most beautiful instant camera I’ve ever seen. It’s a “hybrid” instant camera, meaning it has a sensor and takes a digital image that you can choose to print afterward.
Here’s what I can tell you about it:
- Silver buttons on the back (instead of the black ones found on the Mini Eco Hybrid).
- A toggle switch and an additional five buttons on the back.
- A large LCD screen.
- On the front, there’s a 16mm f/2.4 lens with a toggle between wide and normal telephoto settings.
But the real highlight is this:
To print an image, you’ll need to rotate a classic film crank! It might sound impractical, but I believe this feature will resonate with many people because of the tactile “experience” it provides.
The Instax business is booming and generating a significant portion of the camera industry’s profits, far outweighing the contributions of digital X and GFX cameras and lenses. That’s why this camera is so important. Be sure to follow and for more updates on this exciting release. Hopefully, I’ll be able to share some exclusive images soon!