SonyAlphaRumors spotted the next patent for a possible new Sony medium format camera. There are two important things we learn from the description:
- This is a system camera (not fixed lens)
- it uses a new curved sensor that allows lenses to be around 30% more compact than Fuji GF lenses
Now, we all know patents are the equivalent od “engineers dreams“. It means there is only a small chance those will become true. But hey…wouldn’t it be nice ot see this become true?
P.S.: Those are the Sony patented lenses designed for the curved sensor medium format camera:
- 387mm f/2.8 (lens length: 679mm) – in Full Frame terms this is a 240mm f/1.7
- 323mm f/2.8 (lens length: 576mm) – in Full Frame terms this is a 200mm f/1.7
- 258mm f/2.8 (lens length: 380mm) – in Full Frame terms this is a 160mm f/1.7
- 161mm f/2.8 – in Full Frame terms this is a 100mm f/1.7
- 84mm f/2.9 (lens length: 123mm) – in Full Frame terms this is a 52mm f/1.7 (it would be only 2cm longer than the Zeiss 50mm f/1.4 FE)