As promised by Kazuto Yamaki when he presented the fp, Sigma just published the 3D appearance data of the Sigma fp and its Sigma accessories.
The purpose of such publication is to facilitate the design of fp accessories by third parties and therefore speed up their release, with a view to creating as large an ecosystem as possible as quickly as possible. This is, pushed to a further level, the strategy pursued by Sony when they made the main E mount specifications available to third parties.
Available for download (without any prior requirement) tare .step files. STEP stands for “STandard for the Exchange of Product model data” a.k.a. ISO 10303. It can represent 3D objects and related information in CAD/CAM software. *.step files are recognized by programs such as Dassault Systemes SolidWorks, IMSI TurboCAD and Autodesk Fusion 360.
In addition to this official communication, an unofficial but well-informed source, photographer Kimio Tanaka, just twitted that the Sigma fp should be launched around the 20th of October.
Thanks Mistral!