Samsung’s ED-SEF580A Flash Unit – First Impression?s

When Samsung announced their new SEF-580A Flash in conjunction with their NX30 introduction,
the first thought that came to my mind was ‘Top Heavy’.
The above featured image, and those following, display the camera and flash in a horizontal position.
Raising or lowering your lens toward your subject will make for an un-balanced tool in my opinion.
When you position the flash forward or backward you will ‘feel’ the flash’s weight.
Doing this during a 1/2 day’s shoot can be tiring and a waste of energy in my opinion.
My opinion is based on my use of my NX300 and Nikon SB800 (in thyristor mode) when I
want more light than my SEF-220A offers.
This configuration is ‘Top Heavy’ to me in the same manner as the NX30 and 580A as pictured seems to me.
The fact that the head tilts and swivels on a newly announced Flagship Flash needs no comment from me, for the same reasons lights and a horn on a new Rolls Royce warrant no comment. They all ‘Should Be There’.
A flash designed for use on a DSLR, placed on an MILC, will always be ‘Top Heavy’ in my opinion.
At most other times I place my Nikon SB800 off camera on a stick and fire it in Remote mode via my SEF-220A.
I do this very often, especially for large groups, and the issue of ‘balance’ is eliminated.
In fact, I can’t wait to get the ED-SEF580A ( providing the Spec’d Recycle time of 5.0 seconds is a typo and it is actually .5 seconds ) and use it as a TTL metered flash on a sick, controlled by the built-in flash of the NX30 (assumed capability as indicated by the Spec Sheet).
I’ve been doing this for years with my Nikon DSLRs and Nikon flashes.
I don’t anymore since getting my NX300. The weight benefits and maneuverability of my NX300 keeps my Nikon stuff on the shelf.
The advanced technology of the NX30 warrants designing a flash with similar ‘DNA’.
Samsung missed creating a new First Impression for their new flash by not investing in creating a new flash unit with MILC ‘DNA’, in my opinion.
My suggestions to Samsung, and to any flash manufacturer, ( I really like Samsung but I like Competition even better), are:
1) Get those 4 AA batteries out of the flash unit (you don’t need me to tell you how).
2) Include an off camera flash cord with every NX30 ( I use the one from China ).
Yes, shooting your NX30 camera in one hand and holding your flash (even the SEF-8A with your NX300) in your other hand will provide you with images of clarity and 3 Dimension which will amaze family and friends and get you many ‘Likes’ on social networks.
These are my ‘two cents’, and I look forward to your opinions/suggestions on Samsung’s new ED-SEF580A Flash.
Raw Jaw
Photos and Specifications and their Sources:
SAMSUNG ED-SEF580A Flash light Specifications
58 (ISO100, 105mm)
Flash coverage
Power Ratio
1/1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16,
1/32, 1/64, 1/128, 1/256
Power Source
AA?4(Alkaline, Ni-MH,
Oxyride, Lithium (FR6)
Recycling Time
(New battery)
Alkaline max 5.5sec,
Ni-MH max 5.0sec(2500mAh)
A number of flashes
Alkaline min 150fls,
Ni-MH min 220fls (2500mAh)
Flash duration (Automatic)
max 1/125, min 1/33,000
Flash duration (Manual)
max 1/125, min 1/33,000
Lamp Light Voltage
Blinking 285V, Lights 330V
UP 0, 45, 60, 75, 90?
CC 0, 60, 90, 120?
CCW 0, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180
Exposure control system
A-TTL, Manual
Color Temperature
5600 ± 500K
AF Assist Beam
O (1.0m ~10.0m) (TBD)
Auto Power Zoom
24, 28, 35, 50, 70, 85, 105mm
Manual Zoom
24, 28, 35, 50, 70, 85, 105mm
Camera Mount
Samsung Original
Flash Covering Angle
24mm(R/L 78?,U/D 60?),
105mm(R/L 27?,U/D 20?)
High-Speed Sync
Yes (4ch, 3Group)
Graphic LCD, Power Save, Multiflash
Modelling light, Wide-angle diffuser