Ricoh GR news roundup (And Ken Rockwell doesn’t like the GR).
It’s time to catch up with some interesting Ricoh GR news (preorders at Bhphoto (Click here) and Adorama (Click here). Let’s start with one hell of negative comment written by Guru Ken Rockwell: “Personally, I don’t see any reason for this camera, but that’s just me. Hobbyists love to throw all sorts of money at gadgets like this, so don’t let me stop you.“. He really likes to be direct ;)
Anyway, I don’t agree with Ken. The camera is the cheapest and smallest APS-C fixed lens compact. And that alone makes it worth to be considered. And what about the image quality? Just see these links:
Threeguyswithcameras (Cool name for a website!) posted a nice Ricoh GR review: “I think photographers all over realised too – the level of interest, intrigue for this camera, and even ignorant criticism far surpasses that of the Nikon Coolpix A (which is no slouch itself, to be honest).“
Extended GR comparison at Dpreview.
First ISO test at Techbang.
Image samples at Coolhunting.
Nouveau Ricoh GR: prise en main (Lepidi).
What do you think?
Preorder links: Bhphoto (Click here) and Adorama (Click here).