Today major US stores like Amazon, Adorama and BHphoto dropped the price of the A6000. The so far A6100 unconfirmed specs are:
24.3 MP sensor (different from A6000)
ISO range of 100-51,200
Tri-navi control system
Mag. alloy body
15fps continuous shooting with AF.
30fps continuous shooting in “4K Mode”. This is similar to Panasonic 4K Photo Mode.
1/32000 electronic shutter
Still no touchscreen, but it has a new 2.8M dot OLED EVF.
Rear monitor is 3″ 1.04M dot and is now fully articulating.
4K Video (10 min limit)
No weather seal
Mic input support.
Body only price is expected around 900 USD.
But these specs are not confirmed by any trusted source yet. So don’t get to excited about those yet!