Funny Canon 24-50mm STM leaked image :)
OC_Kun leaked the Canon 24-50mm STM lens image and added “” as a funny joke :)
OC_Kun leaked the Canon 24-50mm STM lens image and added “” as a funny joke :)
HowtoFly just reported this. UDPATE: Asobinet got also the info about two new cameras:
RF24-50mm F4.5-6.3 IS STM
RF-S55-210mm F5-7.1 IS STM
Canon EOS R8
This is 100% reliable: Canon will soon announce the new RF24-50mm F4.5-6.3 IS STM lens!
via Digicameinfo
On February 7 Sigma will announce the new 50mm f/1.4 lens for the Sony E and Leica L mount cameras. Price is rumored to be something like $850.
Canon published the full 2022 financial report (see them here). Regarding the camera business they write:
As for the Imaging Business Unit, unit sales of interchangeable-lens digital cameras were above those of the same period of the previous year due to continued robust demand for full-frame mirrorless cameras including the EOS R5 and EOS R6 as well as favorable reviews of the new EOS R7 and EOS R10 APS-C-size mirrorless cameras, despite stagnant production activities caused by a shortage of components. Unit sales of lenses increased owing to strong sales of RF-series interchangeable-lenses that expanded the product lineup.
No existing 300mm tele prime lens goes beyond the f/2.8 aperture. But Canon is playing with the idea to break that barrier and patented a 300mm f/2.3 lens. The overall length of that lens would be close to 18cm (not bad) thanks to the Reflex. The trade off is surely a image quality drop compared to classic designed lenses. Still, I hope they will really make this lens!
via Asobinet