Samsung NX100 in Stock (with discount!)
We had only two new mirrorless cameras at Photkina. One of them is the Samsung NX100 which now is in Stock for $499 at (Click here).
We had only two new mirrorless cameras at Photkina. One of them is the Samsung NX100 which now is in Stock for $499 at (Click here). interviewed Mr. Eguchi (Hoya’s Marketing Director of the Imaging Division). He confirmed that Hoya-Pentax future mirrorless sstem will not use the Samsung NX-mount. I guess this is the end of the Pentax-Samsung partnership. Also the latest sensors of the Pentax K-x and Pentax K-5
are from Sony.
And here we are with the next Nikon mirrorless rumor. This time from Digitmes:
“Japan-based camera brand Nikon expects its new mirrorless DSLR-similar camera will help expand its market share in the interchangeable-lens camera (ILC) market in the Asia Pacific to 40% in 2011 and 50% in 2012, according to the company.
As Sony and Samsung Electronics have both recently entered the DSLR-similar camera market, Nikon pointed out that the DSLR-similar cameras should not cause damage toward the sales of traditional DSLR, instead the model has helped increase consumer acceptance of ILC.
According to figures from GfK, Taiwan’s ILC shipments in 2009 were about 108,000 units and the forecasted volume for 2010 has already increased from only 140,000 units in early 2010 to about 160,000 units currently, a significant growth.
In the first half of 2010, affected by tight supply, Nikon’s share in Taiwan’s ILC market once dropped to only 25%, but as the company is working on resolving the issue, the company is expected to grab 35% of Taiwan’s ILC market by the end of 2010.“
In a interview Mr. Goto (Nikon) said that “If the lens system and body are not smaller in total, the whole meaning of reducing size is lost. If it was up to him to make such a thing, a mount smaller than the F would be chosen. It’s a new genre of camera…something that no maker is currently making. It is not targeted towards people who use cameras in their work, some will look at this product as a really fun to use camera.“
Photoscala published the new Ricoh GXR roadmap and there is one surprise. Ricoh will offer a new expansion unit. But nobody knows yet what mount it will offer!
Photoscala made this nice graph to show us the future NEX lenses from Sony. As you see there is also a Wide angle prime from Zeiss!
Ricoh A12, G700 SE, G700 Hands-On at Photographyblog
Ricoh stand at Photokina (Photographyblog)
OK GO Films Video with Samsung NX100 (ThePhoBlographer)
Samsung stand at Photokina (Photographyblog, Fotopolis and
Samsung NX100 First Look
Samsung NX100 – First Look reviewat Pocket Lint
Samsung NX100 fullsize samples (
Samsung NX100: toma de contacto (Quesabesde)
Samsung NX10 Pop Art (Fotoactualidad)
Interview with the GH1 hacker about the GH2 (
Thom Hogan likes the new GH2 (
Preorder the new Panasonic camera and lenses at Amazon!
– BLACK Panasonic GH2 with 14-42mm lens at Amazon (Click here)
– BLACK Panasonic GH2 with 14-140mm lens at Amazon (Click here)
– SILVER Panasonic GH2 with 14-42mm lens at Amazon (Click here)
You can also preorder the new lenses:
– Panasonic Lumix 12.5mm f/12 3D G Lens (Click here)
– Panasonic Lumix 14mm f/2.5 G Aspherical Lens (Click here)
– Panasonic Lumix 100-300mm f/4.0-5.6 G Vario Aspherical MEGA OIS Lens (Click here).
If you find others shops having the lens available for preorder feel free to comment this post. Please understand that I have not enough space to add all shops links you send me inside the preorder list on top of the website! Thanks!