Kodak said to Weigh Bankruptcy! What will happen with Leica?

Image on top: The Leica M9 uses a 18 Megapixel Kodak sensor.

According to Bloomberg Kodak is “weighing options including a bankruptcy filing because of concerns raised by possible buyers of its patent portfolio, said three people with direct knowledge of the process.

If you read the full article you get (a pretty scaring) idea of what is going on with Kodak. If Kodak quits the digital camera business (and sensor business) than many medium format manufacturers and of course Leica will have to look for new sensor partners.

Months ago there were soem rumors saying that Leica is ready to use Sony sensors for their future mirrorless cameras. But who will make the sensor for the S-system? That’s another big question that needs to be answered if Kodak quits the sesnor business.

Confirmed. The new Fuji system is a “premium” system and not Micro Four Thirds.

It is certainly nto a surprise anymore but at leats now it is official. Fuji’s new interchangeable system will not become part of the Micro Four Thirds system This will be “premium” cameras! That is what the Fujiguys tweeted today (Click here / found via Noisycamera).

My guess is that the sensor is larger than APS-C but not as large as Fullframe sensors. But that’s just a guess for now…

Thom Hogans guess about the new Fuji sensor (+ X100 in Stock).

First the good news for our US readers. After a long time the Fuji X100 is now in Stock at Amazon (Click here).

As you know yesterday Fuji announced the launch of a new mirrorless and interchangeable lens system for Spring 2012. I read Asian, European and American press releases and nowhere you can find any info about the sensor size. One of my Asian sources told me the sensor is definitely bigger than APS-C but he couldn’t unveil me the exact sensor size. Now let’s hope we can find some more info as soon as possible. I am really intrigued about that new Fuji system!

Meanwhile Thom Hogan wrote: “I’m still trying to fully decipher the materials from the Japanese press conference where Fujifilm made the announcement, but these things seem vaguely clear: (1) a new lens mount (i.e. not m4/3); (2) a larger than APS/DX sensor, but not as big as full frame/FX; (3) higher resolution and better noise handling than any existing FX sensor (which means more than 24mp and better than D3s); and (4) non-Bayer in nature.

HUUUUGE SURPRISE! X-mirrorless system with large sensor (larger than fullframe???)

What a huge surprise! Fuji announced the launch of a new X-mirrorless system with a sensor that will have a “resolution and low noise that will surpass the 35mm full size sensor“. It will be a new interchangeable system! Fuji promise to show a mockup and specs of the system for the CES show in January 2012. The system itself will be on market by Spring 2012!!!

In contemporary Fuji announce the X-S1 mirrorless camera which looks exactly like a DSLR but has an EVF instead of OVF.

One more deal news: The Fuji X100 is in Stock at Amazon for the normal price (Click here)!

Fuji: Interchangeable mirrorless system coming in Spring 2012.

Fuji just announced that they will launch a new interchangeable mirrorless system in Spring 2012. There are no info yet about specs and price. There is only a general statement saying that Fuji’s goal is to archieve the highest image quality possible. Sounds like they could go Fullframe or am I crazy? :)

DxOmark test: Nikon sensors as good as Micro Four Thirds sensors!

Looking at the images samples floating around the web almost nobody believed the Nikon J1 and V1 sensor could be as good as the bigger Micro Four Thirds sensors. And here comes the latest DxOmark test and tells you exactly the opposite story. According to their tests the sensor of the J1 is exactly as good as the latest 16 Megapixel sensor of the Panasonic G3 and better than the rest of the Micro Four Thirds cameras. Color depth and landscape is slightly better than the G3 and only at High-ISO Micro Four Thirds has a visible advantage. Anyway, Sony still has by far the best sensor of all Mirrorless cameras. The NEX-C3 has 17 more points than the J1 and I bet the new Sony NEX-5n is even better!

Click the links to see the comparisons:
Nikon J1 vs Sony NEX-C3 vs Panasonic G3
Nikon J1 vs Nikon V1 vs Olympus E-P3

Preorder links:
Nikon J1 at [shopcountry 100053].
Nikon V1 at