Mirrorless news roundup (Nikon 1, Pentax Q, Samsung NX200, Fuji X10)

Nikon 1 V1 review at Cnet UK (Click here): “You get a lot of camera for your money with the V1, but that’s still a hefty price to pay. For our money, the J1 is better value, but in the final analysis only a careful balancing of price and specs will identify which is the best camera for you”.

Also the popular german magazine Der Spiegel (Click here) tested the Nikon 1 cameras: “The Nikon system cameras are probably best suited for people shooting cats, kids and everything else that moves fast“.

The next english Nikon review has been posted by Rob Galbraith (Click here): “Low light performance, while much better than an advanced point-and-shoot and probably in the territory of its primary Micro Four Thirds rivals, is no match for the high ISO skills of the D7000, let alone a low light demon like the D3S“.

Pentax Q review at Techradar (Click here): “At the moment, it’s just too expensive compared to high-end compact cameras, and the performance isn’t quite there when likened to similarly-priced compact system cameras“.

Luminous Landscape (Click here) posted a full Fuji X10 review: “The quality of fit, finish and materials is first rate, and belies the camera’s price point. For anyone over the age of forty or so, who remembers when cameras didn’t feel like they were made from molded lumps of polycarbonate, the Fujifilm X-10 will bring a smile to your lips when you handle one, even if you don’t decide to buy it“.

Ricoh’s GXR compact digital camera wins silver award at 2012 German Design Award (Imaging Resource).

Not a joke: Kodak announces a new sensor and after that sells its CCD Business to Platinum Equity!

Image on top: The Kodak Park in Rochester (now sold!)

And here is the news we were waiting for many months now. Kodak finally sold his CCD Business to Platinum Equity. There is not info yet about the amount of cash paid by Platinum. Also the 263,000 square foot facility in Eastman Business Park in Rochester, N.Y has beens sold (Source: Image-Sensor-World). Platinum Equity is not a firm that has own plans to produce CCD sensors, they will proabbly split up the resoruces they bought and sell them to others. And it comes quite surprising that Kodak announced new CCD sensors exactly the same day! That includes a new 16 megapxiel FF and APS-H sensor (More at Image-Sensor-World).

Now I am wondering what Leica will do. Will they get in touch with Platinum Equity or will they use Sony/Panasonic sensors inside their next Leica products?

Nikon 1 uses aptina sensor (+ more reviews).

Chipworks (Click here) dismantled one of the new Nikon 1 cameras and discovered that it actually sues an Aptina sensor. It will be interesting to see if Nikon will in future use Aptina sensors instead of Sony sensors even on larger sensors! Maybe Nikon’s plan is to become completely independent from Sony.

There is a new Nikon J1 review at Trustedreviews (Click here): “The Nikon J1 is a stylish looking compact system camera that delivers class-leading shooting speeds, super-efficient AF performance and vibrant, punchy images. However, given the highly competitive nature of the CSC market this isn’t really enough to elevate it above its peers and many rival CSCs offer richer feature sets and better value for money“.

The same camera has been reviewed by Cnet Uk (Click here): “It is a lot of money and some buyers may be put off by the conservative resolution, which tops out at 10.1 megapixels. Look beyond the pixels because the J1 is about quality not quantity, and here it delivers in spades to fully justify its asking price“.

Mirrorless news roundup….(X10, X100, M9)

Shawn Low from Cnet Asia (Click here) reviewed the Fuji X10: “the X10 impressed us with its retro classic design, pleasing colors and good low-light performance for its class. However, the poor battery life and high price–at S$999, it’s about 30 percent costlier than competitor models“.

And there are two more Fuji X10 reviews at DC.watch (google translated) and Nikkeibp (Click here)

Cnet UK (Click here) posted a new Leica M9 review: “If you can afford it, and you’re prepared to spend time getting to know the M9 or M9-P, then you’ll be rewarded by some of the best pictures you’ve ever taken. It’s very easy to grab some technically excellent results after just a couple of days’ play.

The invisiblephotographer (Click here) posted a short X100 field review.

Nikon V1 and J1 make into the Amazon top 10 mirrorless ranking. And plenty of new reviews!

You can finally buy the Nikon 1 and it is already showing on the Amazon Rankings:
Amazon US mirrorless ranking (Click here): At the moment of writing I counted four different Nikon 1 kits into the top 20!
Amazon UK mirrorless ranking (Click here): here we have a completely different picture. Only Nikon V1 double kit made it into the top 20.
Amazon DE mirrorless ranking (Click here): Same situation as UK. Also here the V1 ouble kit is the only selling well.
Amazon FR mirrorless ranking (Click here): French people doesn’t like Nikon :)

Reviewers are quite busy testing and posting their Nikon 1 findings. You can read them on Hybridcams, Pocket-Lint, Photoxels, Techradar and Photoscala.

Ricoh will “fill the gap”

Marketing Magazine (via Rice High via Noisycamera) interviewed the Ricoh UK marketing director said that Ricoh will “fill the gap” in 2012. Of course he didn’t unveil what Ricoh means with the word “gap”. But it’s easy to guess that we are talking about a new high end module, probably with full frame sensor? Would be nice! My dreams about a cheap Leica M9 could become true! :)

Fuji Brazil confirms that the X interchangeable camera will come in February 2012.

The brazilian website Ztop (Clcik here) posted a full Fuji X10 review. But it contains a small interesting info about the upcoming interchangeable X system. A Fuji powerpoint shows that the first X camera will be announced in February 2012.

Can’t wait to see that new system. Fuji promised that it would dliver a better image quality than any Fullframe system! My money is ready for you Fuji! :)