Canon G1 X is in Stock (will it sell?)

Canon first attempt to counterattack the mirrorless system cameras is the G1 X. And it’s now in Stock for the first time at Adorama US (Click here). Our friends at Photorumors also found the first unpacking celebration pictures at (Click here). And Trustedreviews (Click here) tested the G1 X: “The advantages of this larger sensor are immediately clear to overall image quality, with the G1 X offering class-leading performance in this respect. However, in other areas the G1 X lets itself down somewhat with sluggish operation and niggly performance issues. Image quality purists may well be willing to forgive these flaws, however anyone in the market for a snappy advanced compact with quickfire operation may well be slightly disappointed“.

I don’t think the Canon G1 X is the right camera to compete with mirrorless sytem camera.s But I guess that Canon is juts tasting the terrain before the real big deal!

ISO test: Fuji X PRO compared with the Canon 5D markII

Fuji promised us that the X PRO 1 has a better resolution and noise handling than Full Frame cameras. To check if that is true visit the Japanese website DSL-check (Click here / via Fujirumors) They posted the ISO comparison between the Fuji and the Canon 5D markII (Click on the image to see the full size image on their website). As you can see you have both a JPEG and RAW comparison. And which one is better?

If you look for more images samples than the famous Japanese website (Click here) posted a set of image new Fuji X PRO 1 full size image samples. Scroll down to see them! Also the swedish magazine Alltombild (Click here) posted full size JPEG images. An ISO test has been posted by Itmedia (Click here).

UPDATE: Views on Fuji Xpro1 from Fotosidan (Sweden). Positive impressions from the tester:
Manual focusing – much better than X100
AF – quick if you have something to focus on
2nd camera for pro’s and others with HQ DSLR equipment
1st camera for steet photographers
Very sharp at ISO 200
jpg smearing at high ISO

The Fuji X PRO 1 camera can be preordered:
in USA/Canada at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here), Bhphoto (Click here), Epxansys US (Click here) and Expansys Canada (Click here).
in Europe at Jessops UK (Click here), eBay Italy (Click here) and Expansys UK (Click here).
in Asia at Amazon Japan (Click here) and eBay Japan (Click here).

The Fuji X 18mm f/2.0 can be preordered:
in USA/Canada at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here), Bhphoto (Click here).
in Asia at Amazon Japan (Click here).

The Fuji X 35mm f/1.4 can be preordered:
in USA/Canada at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here), Bhphoto (Click here).
in Asia at Amazon Japan (Click here).

The Fuji X 60mm f/2.4 macro can be preordered:
in USA/Canada at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here), Bhphoto (Click here).

A (unlikely?) Sony NEX roadmap rumor from China

Real or not this is the very last rumor floating around the chines XITEK forum. While I am pretty sure the NEX-F3 rumor the rest could be a “fake” guess. Anyway, I hope the rumor is real because I like that rumored Full Frame NEX-9 :)

Sony NEX roadmap:
NEX the F3, C3, an upgraded version, 2012 (March)
NEX 5G, 18.3 million pixels, as the upgrade version of 5N 2012 (September)
Full Frame NEX in late 2013.

Fuji X PRO 1 coming two weeks earlier in US stores

Good news for our US folk! The X PRO 1 will arrive thirteen days earlier than expected at BHphoto (Click here). European and canadian friends have to wait 2-3 weeks more to get it. Only Amazon Japan (Click here) has it in Stock right now.

More Fuji bits: Some X PRO 1 “cameraporn” pictures at (Click here) and Fuji X PRo 1 image samples at Kakaku (Click here).

The Fuji X PRO 1 camera can be preordered:
in USA/Canada at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here), Bhphoto (Click here), Epxansys US (Click here) and Expansys Canada (Click here).
in Europe at Jessops UK (Click here), eBay Italy (Click here) and Expansys UK (Click here).
in Asia at Amazon Japan (Click here) and eBay Japan (Click here).

The Fuji X 18mm f/2.0 can be preordered:
in USA/Canada at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here), Bhphoto (Click here).
in Asia at Amazon Japan (Click here).

The Fuji X 35mm f/1.4 can be preordered:
in USA/Canada at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here), Bhphoto (Click here).
in Asia at Amazon Japan (Click here).

The Fuji X 60mm f/2.4 macro can be preordered:
in USA/Canada at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here), Bhphoto (Click here).


Samsung NX300 coming in July?

The naked NX20

One of our sources sent us a short info about one of the new Samsung NX cameras. According to him the NX-300 has the same NX-20 design but without EVF. It will be released in July.

Overall I am really curious to see what Samsung will do. Their NX system didn’t have the success they looked for. And the competition is becoming stronger (See Fuji Nikon and in short future Canon). They really have to “invent” something big in order to succeed!

New handmade Sonnetar 25mm f/1.1 for Pentax Q mount.

I love the creativity of Mr. Miyazaki! He created all sorts of fantastic handmade lenses especially for the Leica M-mount. Like the famous and incredible small . And now he created an amazing Sonnetar 25mm f/1.1 for Pentax Q mount! It’s the fastest lens for Q mount and I am sure it is a top performer too!

You can get the lens right now on . I really like these one man creations and I hope he will make some more lenses for other mirrorless systems too.

Thanks Jeremy for sending me this!

First (professional) video shot with the Fuji X PRO 1

The video on top (found via fotoactualidad) is actually the first “professional” video we saw from the X PRO 1. Youtube can’t really give us an exact idea of how good (or how bad) the video quality of the X PRO 1 is. But I am certain cameras like the Panasonic GH2 and Sony NEX will deliver much better results. The big deal of the X PRO 1 is the image quality and you can check the latest image samples posted by non-english websites like Nikkei Japan (Click here), Zol China (Click here) and Pixinfo Hungary (Click here) -> found via Fujirumors.

The Fuji X PRO 1 camera can be preordered:
in USA/Canada at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here), Bhphoto (Click here), Epxansys US (Click here) and Expansys Canada (Click here).
in Europe at Jessops UK (Click here), eBay Italy (Click here) and Expansys UK (Click here).
in Asia at Amazon Japan (Click here) and eBay Japan (Click here).

The Fuji X 18mm f/2.0 can be preordered:
in USA/Canada at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here), Bhphoto (Click here).
in Asia at Amazon Japan (Click here).

The Fuji X 35mm f/1.4 can be preordered:
in USA/Canada at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here), Bhphoto (Click here).
in Asia at Amazon Japan (Click here).

The Fuji X 60mm f/2.4 macro can be preordered:
in USA/Canada at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here), Bhphoto (Click here).