Mirrorless news roundup…(with Fuji RAW conversion tests).

Fuji X RAW:
As you may know Adobe now supports the Fuji X RAW file conversion. Here are three links to first tests:
Diglloyd posted a first image using the new Adobe RAW converter. Soundimagesplus posted a full Adobe converter test: “ACR is obviously a much more responsive and flexible programme, but it does seem that the unique nature of the sensor means that some of my normal techniques may not work so well. Interestingly, I have a preset saved that defaults to the parameters in the previous version of the Camera Raw plug-in, and I felt that I got slightly better results.“. Some watercolor effect after ACR conversion shown at Fredmiranda.

More mirrorless news:
Will the DSLR die? Will small cameras rule the world? (Visualsciencelab).
How to Improve Photography Without Upgrading Gear (RobinWong).
Canon G1X review at ThePhoBlographer.
A German NX20 review at Cnet Germany.
Zeiss 18mm F4.0 vs Fujinon 18mm F2.0 at Photoheadonline.
Full Fuji X PRO 1 review by Thom Hogan at Sansmirror.
A very exotic Fuji X-Pro1 + MIR-1 37mm F2.8 lens test at DC.watch.
How to get the most out of your Fuji X Pro1 for street photography by Mike Kobal.

Ikeas cardboard mirroless camera :)

Ikea had the nice idea to create a “mirrorless” camera made of cardboard. Watch the video on top to see how it works! And the first camera is now for sale on .
I think its apretty genious idea! Want that :)

Canon “well specced” (but not pro) mirrorless camera in June.

Canonrumors reports (with a low ranked rumor value) that Canon will announce a “well specced” mirrorless camera along a “couple” of lenses.  But you may would think this would be a higher end model but according to CR sources this is not a ““pro” level mirrorless. The pro mirrorless cameras would arrive later within the coming 12 months.

Canonwatch was the first to report about a mirrorless camera announcement in June. But specs still are relatively unknown. The only thing we heard is that it has a modern design similar to the Nikon 1 models.

New Pentax Q and 360 degree camera coming soon? (+ new K-01 review)

According to sources from Photogizmos Pentax is changing the strategy and “they will soon be discontinuing future development of “normal” point-and-shoot cameras in favor of specialty cameras like the Ultra-Rugged WG series, Ultra Compact interchangable lens cameras like the Q series and coming soon, an incredible 360 degree Digital camera.

That 360 degree camera sounds really intriguing!

P.S.: Digitalcamerareview posted the full K-01 review.

No mirrorless cameras with EVF from Leica?

A few months ago Mr. Stefan Daniel (Director Product Management at Leica Camera AG) had an interview with Leica Blog (Via Megapixel) said that optical viewfinder will get less and less important. This of course led us all to believe that the time may be close for Leica to launch a mirrorless camera with electronic viewfinder. But according to our (very good) Leica sources there will be NO camera like that at Photokina. Plans for EVF cameras have been pushed forward to 2013. Too bad, really hoped Leica would be the first camera maker to launch a Full Frame camera with Electronic Viewfinder. That camera could have been a lot cheaper than the Leica M series also because they would get rid of the expensive and spacious rangefinder mechanism.

Reminder: These are the hot points from Mr. Stefan Daniel interview with Megapixel:
1) “The experience with the very successful Leica X1 leads us to the opinion that a Leica with an interchangeable lens should have at least an APS-sized sensor.
2) “I think that the quality of the 1.4MP finders is already very good, and sometimes even more accurate than an optical finder, think of white balance or exposure. Over time, as technology is improving, optical finders will get less and less important. The X100 finder is a very nice concept and well executed.
3) “Offering additional functions such as video and live view would extend the usability of the M camera significantly. CMOS is a prerequisite for it, therefore it will be the technology of the future.

There is no new Pentax camera coming on June 1 :(

Our trusted sources denied that the Pentax Spain teaser has to do with a new camera (mirrorless or DSLR). They will announce some kind of local news that will definitely not be exciting :)
That said we expect Pentax to announce a lower end mirrorless camera within the next months. It will be priced below the K-01.

So what to epxect now? Canon? Are you here? :)

Fuji president: We didn’t want to buy Leica, but we wanted Olympus…and are ready to fight Alzheimer!

The prestigious German journal “Frankfurter Allgemeine” posted a full interview with Fuji president Komori. I translated the most important parts of the Interview for you:
1) We were considering the acquisition of Leica but it didn’t fit within our strategy.
2) We were ready to buy Olympus (yes he uses the past “were” and not the present “are”!). We made an offer to Olympus but I think Olympus is trying to remain independent.
3) Only 1% of our company earnings are made through classic film sales.
4) Komori also talks a lot about the med business: “we are developing a new drug against Alzheimer”. And the film knowledge they have is very useful for the cosmetics industry. The antioxidants we use on films do also work on the human skin!

The overall impression I got from the interview is that Fuji is one of the few Japanese companies that is not in a deep crisis (like Sony, Panasonic or Olympus for example). They are heavily investing in research and at the same time they are enlarging their business on more profitable areas like medicine and cosmetics. That’s why they are more interested in an Olympus partnership than a Leica acquisition. And I think that is indeed an intelligent way of thinking business. There wasn’t a lot of talk about the digital camera strategy but I have a positive feeling about the company and their digital camera future!

via Systemkameraforum.