New Fuji X-E1 reviews and a Nikon 1 deal and a free tablet on NX camera purchase!

Photographyblog (Click here) published the full X-E1 review: “The Fujifilm X-E1 feels even more like the natural interchangeable lens evolution of the incredibly popular X-100 camera than the X-Pro1 did, offering refined, intuitive handling, fantastic image quality, premium build quality and five high-quality lenses on launch.

It’s certainly a camera that will attract many buyers unlike the Samsung NX cameras which sales are disappointing. That may be the reason why Samsung UK decided to reward every NX camera purchase with a free tablet!!! More about it at Photographyblog.

And while Nikon 1 is patenting one AF technique after another (latest one here) they started a huge deal on the Nikon V1 with lens at Amazon (Click here).

Black Fuji X-E1 at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here) and BHphoto (Click here).
Silver Fuji X-E1 at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here) and BHphoto (Click here).
Black Fuji X-E1 with 18-55mm lens at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here) and BHphoto (Click here).
Silver Fuji X-E1 with 18-55mm lens at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here) and BHphoto (Click here).
Fuji 14mm f/2.8 lens at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here) and BHphoto (Click here).
Fuji 18-55mm f/2.8-4.0 OIS lens at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here) and BHphoto (Click here).

Two Olympus lenses to be announced soon!

So, there is still some exciting new announcement to come before the end of this year! According to multiple top sources Olympus will soon have a double lens announcement. One is the already well known 17mm f/1.8 prime lens. posted the first JPG and RAW image samples of the lens. It will cost around 550 Euro and be in Stock right before Christmas. But there is also a second mysterious “high quality” lens to come. Hope to hear some specs about it soon…

P.S.: Panasonic GX2 announcement has been probably delayed til early 2013 :(

New Fuji X-E1 fw update and new Sony/Panasonic tests.

We had quite a couple of news yesterday. On top you can watch a super nice GH3 video review made by CameraStoreTV. But yesterday we also had a new Fuji firmware update:
Firmware 1.01 for X-E1 (click here): It will add the compatibility with Fujinon XF18-55mmF2.8-4 R, improve the auto focus accuracy with XF60mm lens, and prevent under exposure when using the M-Mount Adapter .
Firmware 2.01 for X-PRO1 (click here) : Get full performance with the Fujinon XF18-55F2.8-4 lens. The size of the bright frame on OVF can be magnified in relation to zooming motion of Fujinon XF18-55mm lens. When using the focus checking function with “3-time” magnification in manual focus mode, you could find a few dots (black or color) only in live view image on EVF/LCD. Improve auto accuracy focus of XF60mm lens and prevent under exposure when using the M-Mount Adapter.

And here are some other new reviews you may want to check out: Sony NEX-6 tested by Quesabesde (translation here). E-M5 review at Neocamera. GH3 hands on by EosHD.

Oh…one more thing: Mr.Yosuke Aoki from Sony said at that “We’re studying the possibility” of doing a Full Frame mirrorless system.

Sony NEX-5R gets DxOmarked!

DxOmark (Click here) tested the Sony NEX-5R sensor and it will not be a surprise for anyone here that it got the same score as the previous NEX-5n cameras (78 vs 77 points). So the real question is, will you spend hundreds of dollars/euro more to buy the NEX-5R? The answer seems to be no! Currently the NEX-5n is the most sold camera at Amazon US (ranking here),

Interesting is also the note they added when comparing the NEX-5R with the Olympus E-M5. basically the performance is the same. The real difference and reason why the NEX scores better is that it has ISO 100!

Mirrorless news roundup…(and Fuji live show tomorrow)

NEX-6 unboxing

CameraDiner-Fuji love show: Paul Genge just sent me this text: “LIVE on tomorrow night at 7pm (UK) 8pm(CET) we will have photographer David Kai Piper who is a professional photographer using X-PRO1 and published by Fujifilm UK. Because its a LIVE show the viewer can interact and ask questions directly through the chatwall.

new Gariz case for the new Olympus E-PM2 (here), E-PL5 (here) and Fuji X-E1 (here).

Canon EOS M noise test at CameraLabs (Click here). Image samples by Dpreview.

Leica X2 at PcMag.

Leica M Monochrom test at Shoottokyo.

Full NEX-6 review at ePhotozine (Click here).

Fuji X-E1 news and test roundup! Matches FF DSLR quality!

It’s time for a focus on the new Fuji X-E1 that is being delivered in these days in EU and US too.

EVF videos:
You really have to check out the video posted by Apw100 on youtube. It shows you the performance of the new X-E1. Let’s see if you will still miss the hybrid viewfinder of the X PRO 1 after watching these :)

X-E1 against the rest of the world (on par with FF DSLR?):
The Spanish friends from DSLRmagazine (translation here) compared the image quality of the new X-E1 against the Full Frame Nikon D600 and Canon 5DmarkIII. Just check out the comparison image (Click here). And guess what? The Fuji is pretty damn close to both of them!
Also the Chinese website posted some comparisons:
Here you can see the comparison between the X-PRO1, X-E1 and NEX-7 (see the pictures here).
The next comparison is between the X-E1 and the D600. Take a look at the JPEGs of these cameras (click here).

The X-E1 in Stock status:
Europe at Amazon UK, Amazon DE and of course on eBay (Click here to see auctions).
USA at Amazon US (overpriced via third party reseller) and via worldwide eBay stores.

X PRO 1 with Minolta lens test:
There is one more interesting news to report. If you want to see how good Minolta lens will work on your X camera than check out this post on Fujirumors!