The “rangefinder-alike” battle: NEX-6 vs Fuji X-E1. And Panasonic GX2 will not have an EVF :(

TheCameraStoreTV posted this Fuji X-E1 vs NEX-6 video comparison. Fuji and Sony are the only companies making mirrorless with rangefinder alike design (not real rangefinders like Leica is doing). And coming back to rumor we just heard that the new Panasonic GX2 may is coming in Spring 2013 and it will NOT have a built-in viewfinder. Let’s hope this isn’t true! At leats it’s my opinion that Panasonic should make it with integrated EVF!

Fuji X-E1 on Slidoo eBay. Sony NEX-6 on Slidoo eBay.

New MFT and NEX lens from Jackar.

Jackar Optical just announced a new 34mm f/1.8 lens for the Micro Four Thirds and E-mount system cameras. This is a manual focusing lens with smooth focus and aperture ring that will go for sale for $190. Full details are disclosed at and image samples on Flickr. The packaging is pretty impressive if you consider the low price:

Should be on eBay soon. They already have some filters and fisheyes for sale ().

Patent roundup: Canon Four Thirds lenses. And Panasonic Leica lenses.

The image you see on top (via Canonwatch) discloses the design of two new Canon Four Thirds lenses. But before to jump to any possible Canon-MFT conclusion you have to know that this lenses are very likely designed for a future new version of the fixed lens G1X series!

And also Panasonic published a new patent describing new Leica DG lenses (via 43rumors). We have a 30mm f/1.8, 12mm f/1.8, 16mm f/2.8, 50mm f/1.8 and a 26mm f/1.8 lens.

As usual with patents, most of what we see here will never make it into a final mass production. But at least it gives us a clue what engineers are thinking while closed in their secret company rooms :)

Olympus and Sony announcements in early January?

Last week we had the new Olympus 17mm f/1.8 lens announcement. But we are always hungry of new rumors and it looks like we don’t have to wait a lot to see the next bunch of announcements. According to multiple sources on SAR and 43rumors both Olympus and Sony will announce new products in early January. From Sony we can expect new NEX lenses and entry level cameras while Olympus will almost certainly announce the new 40-150mm f/2.8 zoom. Their first High Quality and constant aperture zoom.

Is that all? I think there is a chance that Samsung will announce their first Android powered NX cameras. Haven’t heard anything about possible Panasonic products yet while Canon is expected to announce new EOS-M lenses in February-March.

The CES show is a more consumer oriented show where usually we don’t have to expect semipro stuff to be announced. So no Full Frame Mirrorless camera coming for now…

New MTF adapters for Canon EOS-M announced (via CameraDiner)

MTF service announced the launch of new Canon FD, Nikon G, and PL mount adapters for the Canon EOS-M system (Minute 4:56 – 7:00 on the video on top). You can see a list of their current adpaters on Slidoo eBay. There are already adapters from Kipon (list on eBay).

Trustedreviews reviewed the EOS-M and writes: “Image quality is some of the best we’ve yet seen in a CSC and certainly a match for many DSLRs. What really sets the EOS M apart from its rivals though is the fantastically responsive touchscreen interface, which is by some distance the best in its class.

Canon EOS-M links:
Full presentation page on Amazon (Click here).
EOS-M Black at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here) and BHphoto (Click here).
EOS-M 22mm pancake at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here) and BHphoto (Click here).
EOS-M 15-55mm kit lens at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here) and BHphoto (Click here).
EOS-M adapter at Amazon (Click here) and BHphoto (Click here).
EOS-M Flash at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here) and BHphoto (Click here).

The rich peopel post: Leica M7 for $223k and Hasselblad Nasa kit for $51k

How expensive can mirrorless cameras be? A reader just sent me the link to these two cameras:
1) On top you see the Hasselblad Nasa kit. There are less of twenty of these cameras on the world. And it’s for sale for $51 thousand .
2) And the Hasselblad is cheap compared to that $223 thousand Leica M7 Titanium kit available .
Think positive. Unlike the Hasselblad kit you will get three lenses along the M7 :)

By the way both are film cameras. Unlike digital these cameras will last your lifetime (if you can afford them).

Found via Slidoo eBay.

Sony RX1 ISO tests show impressive performance!

Today is Sony RX1 day! The first Full Frame compact camera ever made is finally shipping in Asia (for example at Amazon Japan). And it may not be casual that today two first professional ISO tests have been posted on Focus Numerique (translation here) and on Imaging Resource. And the first thing you will notice is that the RX1 beats the other usually not so goo HIGH ISO images from other Sony cameras like the A99. It is on par with the best FF of the class (like the Nikon D600).

Looks terrific!!!

USA and Canada:
RX1 links at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Sonystore, Sonystore Canada.

RX1 links at Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH, Wex UK, Wex Germany.