The faked Fuji fullframe :)

Plenty of reader here are waiting the day someone will release a Full Frame mirrorless that doens’t cost like a car. The dream is growing that much that a Fuji X E-1 owner added some gimmicks on his camera to make it look like a Leica M camera. Found via Fujirumors!

FF mirrorless roundup: No new Fuji nor Sony mirrorless FF system any time soon?

Fuji and Sony are both hot candidates to launch the first Full Frame mirrorless system competing the expansive and luxury [shoplink 100116 ebay]Leica M series[/shoplink]. For months now I am working to collect info about their 2013 strategy and form what I got from trusted and also from new sources neither Fuji nor Sony will announce such a system within the next 8-10 months. At the same time I have been told that both are developing a FF system but there is a series of challenges that will have to be solved first. Both Fuji and Sony for example have to develop lenses for their current X and NEX systems. They cannot afford to launch a new system yet.


After all these years that Leica is cashing money on the [shoplink 100116 ebay]Leica M series[/shoplink] I am still surprised that nobody ever made a competitor!

Sony RX1 reviews roundup! And no FF NEX coming for now :(

On the video on top Steve Huff talks about the camera of the year, the Sony RX1.

The Sony RX1 is hitting the stores and there are now plenty of new reviews:
Whatdigitalcamera posted the full Sony RX1 review. The camera got an impressive score of 92%: “With a superb build, excellent detail retention at low and high sensitivities and competent metering and auto white balance systems on hand, it’s unquestionably one of the finest digital cameras we’ve seen yet.
Dearsusans posted som early impressions and image samples of the RX1.
Olivier setup a new tumblr with the most beautiful Sony RX1 photos & videos at

Those of you waiting for a interchangeable version of the RX1 will have to wait a long time. According to trusted sources Sony will not release any new FF model within the next 8-10 months!

USA and Canada:
RX1 links at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Sonystore, Sonystore Canada.

RX1 links at Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH, Wex UK, Wex Germany.


Sigma patents new lenses with built in Stabilization system

Sigma stated multiple times that they will not launch their own mirrorless system so I guess the patent you can see at Egami will be applied to expand their fixed lens DP camera series. There you can see the design and specs of a 30mm f/2.8, 30mm f/2.5, 28mm f/2.8, 24mm f/2.8, 50mm f/2.8 and a 55mm f/2.8 lens. All these will come with built-in stabilization system and inner focusing.

I still believe they should do a full interchangeable mirrorless system. But of course that’s just my modest opinion… :)