eBay Madness (Leica prototype lens, Nikon Stereo, and 100 year old cine camera).

Beside all these new cameras there are also an immense resource of uncommon and rare and sometimes very old cameras you can find an eBay. Here is a short roundup of all the craziest auctions:

1) 1:4/9 cm Elmar Lens with Prototype Ser. No. 1010100. Price yet:  .


2) There is a mirrorless camera that will cost you over 27.000 Euro! It’s the Nikon Rangefinder 3,5/3,5cm Stereo. .


3) If you want to know what’s the most expensive camera on auction than look at that 100 year old film camera, the BELL & HOWELL 2709. Price yet: .

Funny that unlike digital cameras film cameras retain and if you are lucky sometimes grow in value! So rather spend your money on a good lens than on expensive digital cameras.

Back from hell: Kodak-JK new mirrorless camera to come within the year!

The heavily in crisis company Kodak just came back to life! According to Amateur Photographer: “A Kodak-branded interchangeable lens camera will be among a series of products that bosses say will be launched as part of a licensing deal it has struck with manufacturer JK Imaging Ltd.

And Kodak manager Dennis Olbrich said that a compact system camera is “part of the portfolio“! TO be clear, Kodak will license their name to JK Imaging and collaborate but not directing them.


via Quesabesde.

Speed Bootster adapter for NEX, MFT and Fuji X mount.

Metabones just announced the new “Speed Booster” adapter which increases the speed and sharpness of any FF or APS-C lens by reducing the on sensor projected image circle. It will be first available for E-Mount in January 2013 from Metabones’ web site http://www.metabones.com and its worldwide dealer network for US$599 / £372 plus shipping and applicable taxes and duties. The MFT and X mount versions will come later this year.

Philip Bloom is the first having tested the lens:



All you need to know about Fuji X cameras at X-pert corner!

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It’s a few weeks now that I follow with great interest a new column at Fujirumors. It’s called X-PERT CORNER. Rico Pfirstinger, the author of “Mastering the Fujifilm X-PRO1” posts once a week an interesting article full of useful tips for Fuji X-series photographer (especially X-PRO1 and X-E1). But I think some of Rico’s tips are applicable also to other cameras. So, everyone could find something useful in this column.

Now, mirrorlessrumors will follow with great interest this column and inform you when Rico posts a new “useful” article.

This time the article is about how to expand dynamic range with (or without) the camera’s DR function. Here is just a short extract of the comprehensive article :

So here we go! Does the following scenario sound familiar? You take a picture of a landscape that looks wonderfully beautiful to the naked eye, only to find out later that the blue sky no longer looks blue and the fascinating cloud formations are just white blobs. The reason for this and similar disappointments is that the scene captured in the image has a larger dynamic range than your camera. Every camera sensor is capable of capturing only a certain range of luminance—that is, a limited range between the brightest and the darkest parts of an image.” There are hardware and software solution to extend the dynamic range. So, to what belongs the hardware, the solution could be a lightning equipment but “only the luckiest photographers have the luxury of elaborate lighting equipment” or a ND-filter. But “the digital realm also offers several software solutions to this common problem. One with a particularly resounding name is… High dynamic Range (HDR)” From now on the article delivers a lot of practical tips about how to extend properly the DR. (click here to read the article)

Other articles: How to use Extended ISO settings / Using shooting Profiles and the Quick menu

It’s amazing how much one can still learn about photography. The X-Pert Corner is well worth a read. Read all Rico’s articles here: http://www.fujirumors.com/category/x-pert/

Samsung NX300 First Impressions (DPreview)

[shoplink 4815][/shoplink]

Samsung’s Android powered mirrorless camera got a hands-on at DPreview. Among other things, they write:

The NX300 features looks a lot like its predecessor, but beneath the surface it’s a very different camera. Like the NX210, the NX300 features a 20MP CMOS sensor, but this is a newly-developed unit which offers ‘hybrid’ autofocus consisting of 247 contrast-detection AF points and 105 phase-detection points which should provide much faster and more positive focus in favorable lighting conditions. The cameras we handled were pre-production units, so it’s impossible to make a definitive statement about their performance, but our first impressions are very good. Even in the relatively low light of a CES meeting room, focus with the 85mm F1.4 was fast and positive, with almost no ‘jitter’ – certainly a clear improvement on the solely contrast-detection system in earlier NX bodies and many competitive mirrorless interchangeable lens cameras.

I am really curios to see more reviews about this camera!

Samsung NX300 price and pre-order check: [shopcountry 100041]


More Fujifilm X100S News And Hands-Ons (and X100s & X20 Press Conference At CES 2013)


dc.watch.impress published the press conference hold by Hiroshi Kawahara of Fujifilm’s Electronic Imaging Products Division. Although the post on dc.watch is translated, the many slides shown in the post are not.

DPreview completed their hands-on review with new information bits, and they have some info also about the “Digital Split Image” manual focus aid (how it works).

EOSHD explains what’s new about video modes (there was a big update), and puts an eye on 1080/60p mode, high bitrate recording, and the anti-moire sensor.

Photographybay has another hands-on, and they made the video below about the X100S

Fujifilm X100S available for pre-order ($1299.95) at Amazon US | Adorama | B&H

Sigma DP3 Merrill First Impressions

Image courtesy: The Phoblographer

If you missed it, click here to read Sigma’s press release.

Let’s talk again (briefly) about Sigma’s third companion in the fellowship of the Merrills, the DP3. We start with the specifications:

  • 46MP Foveon X3 sensor (APS-C 1.5x)
  • 50mm f2.8 lens with SLD glass (Special Low Dispersion)
  • Dual TRUE II Image Processing Engines
  • Minimum focusing of 8.9?
  • Macro shooting at 1:3
  • 9 point AF
  • Face detection
  • 3 inch TFT LCD at 920,000 dots
  • Hot shoe and lens hood
  • SD video recording
  • ISO 100-6400 set in 1/3 steps

Yes, 46MP…not bad uh? And a fixed 50mm f/2.8 lens, that’s a 75mm on 35mm film equivalent. Weird, isn’t it? But, hey, the DP3 looks good with its minimalist look. You just have to buy all three DP3s to have the needed flexibility (DP1 19mm, 28mm eq.; DP2 30mm, 45mm eq.). Chris Gampat over at The Phoblographer had a chance to play around a bit with the DP3. About image quality he writes:

Because I worked with a pre-production unit, I couldn’t stick a card in the camera. However, I saw prints made with it; and they’re stunning.

His first impressions:

I walked away quite impressed with the DP3 and I may even be able to get used to shooting at 75mm. It’s a weird focal length though: too long to be normal and too short to be a proper portrait focal length in my opinion.

The build quality of the camera is what truly blew me away though; and that may also help to justify its high price tag.

We have yet to wait for the price of the DP3 Merrill, as well as for pre-order options. However, you can get notified by B&H about the availability by clicking here.

Click here to see all the coverage of the Merrill series by The Phoblographer.

[via The Phoblographer]