Three Full Frame mirrorless from Sony to come in 2014!

Sony is planing a real massive attack on the Full Frame mirrorless front. According to trusted sources Sony could launch two new A-mount and one new E-mount Full Frame cameras in 2014. Little is known about the cameras. They will feature a new generation 30+ Megapixel sensor and new advanced on sensor phase detection autofocus. The first camera to be announced will be one of the A-mount FF in early 2014. The other two could be announced at Photokina in September (2014!).

Sony is betting big on Mirrorless. This may be the one chance for them to finally grab some more significant market share in the Canonikan dominated High End FF market.

The No-AA filter compact camera comparison :)


The video on top shows the great Ricoh GR vs. Nikon Coolpix A Shootout made by the nice guys from TheCameraStoreTV.

With the newly announced Ricoh GR we now have many compact cameras having no Anti Aliasing filter on sensor. Three cameras, the Nikon Coolpix A, Sigma DP1 and Ricoh GR Merrill have been now tested by DSLRmagazine (google translation here). As you know having no AA filter causes the well known Moirè effect. So which camera suffers less form it? Easy guess you would say…it’s the foveon sensor from the Sigma of course! Too bad the Sigma sucks when it comes to ta
lk about handling and High ISO :(

Big rumor: Panasonic revives the L1 and makes a hell of a MFT camera out of it!

Panasonic is close to launch the first MFT camera with built-in titlable EVF in the corner. It will also have that cool Panasonic L1-LC1 design (they were FT mount cameras). And it doesn’t stop hear. They will also match one of the features that was a unique feature from Olympus…in body stabilization! Basically Panasonic put all most requested features in one single package. The camera will also feature a brand new 18 Megapixel sensor (highest resolution sensor of any MFT camera). The camera is going to be announced in mid-late August and I am sure it will sell like hotcakes!