Mirrorless news roundup!

Ricoh GR review by Blunty

Sigma DP1 Merril review at DSLRmagazine (translation here). One more review at Imaging Resource.
Samsung NX300 review by ThePhoBlographer.
Sigma DP3 Merrill review by ThePhoBlographer.
Full French Ricoh test at Focus Numerique.
Part I: ISO comparison: Ricoh GR vs Nikon Coolpix A vs Fuji X100s by Mike Kobal.
Samsung 18-200mm lens review at ePhotozine.
G6 image samples at Digitalcamerainfo.
Sigma DP3 image samples at Digitalcamerainfo.

Fuji X-A1 entry level system camera has tilt screen.

Fujirumors got some more tibits about the two new Fuji X cameras coming this summer. As I told you before both are entry level system cameras having no viewfinder. The main difference will be the sensor. One has an X-Trans sensor while the other has not. One camera (we don’t know which one) will be announced soon in late June and the other one in late August-early September.

According to FR sources the X-Trans sensor camera will be named X-A1 and have a tilt screen. That would be the first X system camera having it!

Still, it really sounds surprising Fuji comes with two entry level cameras!


Trusted sources confirm: The Mini M image is real. Also Digilux series has that kind of Lens marks!

Short update on the Leica Mini M rumor. I got feedback from trusted sources and they confirmed that the image and specs I posted yesterday are correct.

One more thing: Quite many people argued that the Leica Mini M image must be fake because of the 28-70mm FF equivalent marks on the lens while the front of the lens says “18-46mm”. I just want to remind you that actually this confirms that the image is real :) Because the past Leica Digilux series had exactly that kind of “double” markings. See the images of the Digitlux 2 at Amazon (Click here). The camera has a 7 – 22.5 mm lens (marked on the front of the lens) and a zoom ring with the 28 – 90 mm equivalent mark. To make it easy for you I show you the image here:

So have peace. That’s the camera Leica will announce on June 11! It is going to challenge the Hasselblad Lunar in the category “most non-sense camera of the year” :)


(UPDATED) First image of the Leica Mini M!!!

LOL, I have been right! The Leica Mini M is an APS-C sensor camera with fixed zoom lens! These are the specs:
– Leica Elmar 28-70mm f/3.5-6.4 (FF equivalent)
– 16,1 Megapixel APS-C sensor.
– external electronic viewfinder can be used
– Full Aluminum body
– FullHD recording
– Bundled with Photoshop Lightroom.

Share the news!!! The Camera will be announced on June 11 according to Leica. (Thanks A.!).

UDPATE: Price is 2450€! $500 more than the Leica X2 (here at Amazon).

Specs in french (Click on the image to see the full size version):