Panasonic GM1 coming in ealry October. Fuji X-E2 and a second Fuji camera on October 18!

We finally have some more details about the upcoming announcements:

Fuji will announce the new X-E2 on October 18. Fujirumors reports that “It will have the X-Trans sensor II of the X100S (16MP), a better LCD, Lens Modulation Optimizer and WiFi.“. There will be also a second Fuji camera but details are yet not known.

In early October Panasonic will launch the world smallest mirrorless camera with interchangeable lens mount. It’s going to have the size of the Sony RX100 but with a large FT sensor inside. It will also get rid of the mechanical shutter to save some space. It uses a fully electronic shutter instead! As kit lens there will be a new 12-32mm pancake zoom.

Sounds like we will have some greta new cameras! The highlight will certainly be the new NEX-9 that will come with a new 28-70mmf /4.0 FE G as kit lens!

All announcements between October 8 and October 18.

I am trying to collect the exact announcement dates for all photo companies. I now learned that Ricoh-Pentax, Nikon, Panasonic, Canon, Sony and Fuji will have product announcements exactly between October 8 and October 18. Six announcements within 10 days. And while I am still not 100% certain there could be an Olympus and Samsung announcement too!

Ricoh-Pentax and Nikon will announce new DSLR stuff.
Canon the new EOS-M2 (and likely new lenses)
Panasonic the new ultra compact G, the 42,5mm Nocticron and the 12-32mm compact zoom.
Olympus the XZ-3 (not sure about the name yet)
Samsung the leaked NEX300M
Fuji likely a new X-E2
Sony the new NEX-9, the NEX-7R and four new FE (FullFrame E-mount Lenses)

Sound slike PhotoPlus show in new York will become as famous as the Photokina show in Koeln!!! :)

Fuji visit report by Bert Stefani. Triple US price drop (X-M1, X100s and X100).

A couple of days ago Fuji invited photographers and blogger on a meeting in Tokyo. Bert Stefani was part of the fellowship and reported:

Throughout our visit, we were given the chance to give feedback on top-secret prototypes in various stages of development, from early ideas to almost production ready products. We didn’t have to sign any NDAs or contracts but I’ll leave the honor of announcing new products to the people who design them with so much passion (so dear rumor sites, there’s no reason to keep e-mailing me). But I can tell you is that the future of the X-series looks very exciting.

Let’s hope Fuji has something to offer “against” the upcoming NEX-9 Full Frame mirrorless. It would be great to have a competition as soon as it gets! (found via Fujirumors)

There are also three new US deals to report:
1) $72 off on the Silver Fuji X-M1 with 16-50mm lens at Amazon US (Click here).
2) $50 off on the new Fuji X100s on .
3) $110 off on the Fuji X100 on .

Samsung’s new ISOCELL sensor for compact cameras and smartphones.

The Sony versus Samsung sensor war just got more interesting. Samsung (press here) just announced a new sensor tech named “ISOCELL”. The sensor perfomance is better than Sony BSI sensor tech used in most smartphones and compact cameras with smaller sensor (up to the RX100MII). Here you can see an image comparison between Sony’s BSI and Samsung’s ISOCELL sensors:

Now let’s see if Samsung will make a sort of RX100 camera with ISOCELL tech…

Sony NEX-7r is coming in October. NY fashion photographer already shooting with it!

The Sony NEX leaking time may just started in an unusual way. Top fashion photographer Clayton Nelson claims to have taken these images with the new Sony NEX-7R prototype camera he got from Sony:
UPDATE: Pictures have now been removed by the authot. This means Sony asked him to remove the images :)

His first feedback is:

I emailed Sony some of the images I took earlier in the week, explaining how delighted I was with the camera, especially the color sensor. These cameras are far beyond playthings. I believe that they can be utilized as substantial tools in an artistic format. They are certainly not toys..

He posted the info today and let’s hope he will post more tidbits tomorrow too!