New Leica mirrorles system camera comes in February?

Leica and Panasonic are known for working together on the compact camera front. And now multiple trusted(!) sources confirmed that they are working together to realize Leica’s first mirrorless (and non rangefinder) system camera! The camera will be launched pretty soon (likely in January-February).

The sources told us that they will share the specs soon. It means dear Leica fans…stay tuned on MirrorlessRumors! :)

Rumors: New Samsung APS-C sensor coming in 2014. New Samyang Fuji X lenses.

Samsung released a new PDF document (download here) describing some of their future goals.  On page 17 you can read about the launch of a new ASP-C sensor for their mirrorless system. There is no word on specs yet. P.S.: Notice the absence of any Full Frame sensor hint (found via Photorumors).

And Samyang announced that all their lenses will be available in X-mount (found via Fujirumors).

New Olympus entry level OMD and new NEX-7 successor coming within the next 2-3 months.


Image source: CameraSize.

Some hot stuff is coming in January/February right before the CP+ show! Olympus will most definitely announce a new entry level OMD camera. And Sony will (finally) announce the new NEX-7 successor. Just wondering how Sony will call it…A3?

It’s going to be a busy time here on Mirrorlessrumros. Also Fuji (new OMD alike camera), Leica (rumors coming soon on Mirrorlessrumors) and Samsung (Full Frame?) cameras will be announced in January!


And now also Fuji makes an OMD alike camera!

Fujirumors reports: “The Japanese source told me that the weather sealed X coming in January will have double SD card slots. The design? A new source said that the camera body will be “something like OMD (E-M1 – E-M5) shape“.

So after Sony also Fuji will follow the OMD design path :)

Resumee: Sony, Samsung, Olympus, Panasonic and Fuji. All of them will announce new mirrorless cameras for the February CP+ event!

Samsung NXF1 could be the first Sony A7-A7r competitor!

The NXF1 model number

Samsung likes to hint their future camera strategy by listing not yet announced cameras on their support page. Today there is a new NX camera called “NXF1“. And that added “F” gives us big hope that this  will be the first Samsung Full Frame mirrorless camera. If that’s true it will have to be damn good to compete against the just announced Sony A7 and A7r cameras!

To nor repeat their failure with the APS-C NX series Samsung has to reinvent the wheel with the new FF system. I hope they come up with some features that really MAKE a difference. On my wish list:

– Foveon Full Frame sensor
– Hybrid viewfinder like the Fuji X-PRO 1
– Price $1000

I know I am dreaming here. But if they only do one of the mentioned points than yes they will have my attention :)

via Dpreview forum.

EOS-M2 launch delayed til early 2014?

Image of the current EOS-M

Apparently Canon delayed the launch of the new EOS-M2 camera til early 2014. The reason why they did so is unknown. The EOS-M2 is rumored to be not that different from the predecessor and should feature the same 70D sensor.

via CanonRumors