Fuji X-T1 announcement on January 28!

And finally we will see the real (and no fake) Fuji weather sealed and Olympus OMD alike camera with X-mount! It will be officially unveiled on January 28!

Here is the specs list (via Fujirumors):

announcement January 28th (trusted source)
bigger (extra-large) and better (high performance) EVF / (trusted +  anonymous sources)
APS-C X-Trans sensor II (16MP) / (trusted +  anonymous sources)
double SD-card slot / (trusted sources)
weather sealed body / (trusted sources)
price range between X-E and X-PRO line / (new and anonymous sources)
FujicaST-like design / (source who was right in the past, but not yet upgraded to the elite-team of trusted sources)
faster AF than the X-E2 / (new source)
additional battery grip / (anonymous source)
name: X-T1 / (anonymous sources)

Sounds great! I am pretty sure real images will be leaked soon!

Samsung’s ED-SEF580A Flash Unit – First Impression?s

When Samsung announced their new SEF-580A Flash in conjunction with their NX30 introduction,
the first thought that came to my mind was ‘Top Heavy’.

The above featured image, and those following, display the camera and flash in a horizontal position.
Raising or lowering your lens toward your subject will make for an un-balanced tool in my opinion.
When you position the flash forward or backward you will ‘feel’ the flash’s weight.
Doing this during a 1/2 day’s shoot can be tiring and a waste of energy in my opinion.

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2013 Mirrorless camera shares in Japan: Olympus rules, Sony is catching up, Panasonic is falling.

BCNranking (google translation here) posted the full 2013 market share analysis. In the mirrorless category Olympus is leading the group closely followed by Sony. The big change is the 9% share drop fro Panasonic. Quite a bad news!

It will be interesting to see if the Sony A7-A7r series will have a major impact on 2014 sales. My guess is that Sony could become number one in Japan!

On the state of mirrorless.

There is this ongoing discussion about the mirrorless and DSLR future, based on IDC, CIPA and other numbers, as well as some personal anecdotal evidence. A few posts on SAR featured some rather heated debates in the comments (which is good, I think). Hence, I decided to stir the pot even more and write my personal opinion in more detail, in the hope to have an even deeper discussion about this.

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Fuji X-T1 is said to have the best EVF on market!

Fujirumors got some bits about the new Fuji X-T1. The camera will be announced in late January and it is said to have the best Electronic Viewfinder on market yet. And “anyone thinking of getting an OM-D should hold off until the end of the month. So worth the wait.

Sounds like a hell of a camera. Hope they fix the slow autofocusing too!