Fuji X-T1 announcement on January 28!

And finally we will see the real (and no fake) Fuji weather sealed and Olympus OMD alike camera with X-mount! It will be officially unveiled on January 28!
Here is the specs list (via Fujirumors):
announcement January 28th (trusted source)
bigger (extra-large) and better (high performance) EVF / (trusted + anonymous sources)
APS-C X-Trans sensor II (16MP) / (trusted + anonymous sources)
double SD-card slot / (trusted sources)
weather sealed body / (trusted sources)
price range between X-E and X-PRO line / (new and anonymous sources)
FujicaST-like design / (source who was right in the past, but not yet upgraded to the elite-team of trusted sources)
faster AF than the X-E2 / (new source)
additional battery grip / (anonymous source)
name: X-T1 / (anonymous sources)
Sounds great! I am pretty sure real images will be leaked soon!