Some Olympus lens and Fuji camera pricing info!

The price in Euro leaked out today for the soon to be announced Olympus and Fuji stuff. Well there is still no price info for the E-M10 but I am sure we will know it soon. Here is the info:

The Fuji X-T1 body only will cost 1.200€
The Olympus 25 f/1.8 will cost 399€
The Olympus 14-42 will cost 399€
The Fisheye lenscap will cost 99€



Also Canon will release a pancake zoom for the EOS-M system!

Super compact zoom lenses are trendy and Olympus will announce an amazing 14-42mm lens next week. It will be as small as their 17mmf /2.8 pancake! 

Well, it look like Canon is working on such a lens too! Egami (via CanonWatch) spotted a patent filed by Canon that appears to refer to new pancake lenses for the EOS M system: 18-40mm f/3.5-5.6, 18-55mm f/4-8, 10-20mm f/4-5.6, and 9-18mm f/4-5.6. Here are the detailed specs:


Example 1

Zoom ratio 2.28
Focal length f = 18.10-29.78-41.20mm
Fno. 3.60-4.70-5.88
Half angle ? = 36.92-24.55-18.27 °
Image height Y = 13.60mm
54.22-49.85-51.81mm lens length
BF 0.50mm

Example 7

Zoom ratio 3.00
Focal length f = 18.10-37.01-54.30mm
Fno. 4.20-6.20-8.20
Half angle ? = 36.92-20.17-14.06 °
Image height Y = 13.60mm
64.74-56.63-62.13mm lens length
BF 0.50mm

Example 8

Zoom ratio 1.91
Focal length f = 10.30-15.00-19.70mm
Fno. 3.90-4.83-5.76
Half angle ? = 52.98-42.31-34.74 °
Image height Y = 13.66mm
58.84-53.45-52.25mm lens length
BF 0.50mm

Example 10

Zoom ratio 1.91
Focal length f = 9.27-13.49-17.71mm
Fno. 4.12-4.93-5.76
Half angle ? = 55.84-45.36-37.65 °
Image height Y = 13.66mm
60.98-55.27-53.91mm lens length
BF 0.50mm

Samsung NX300 user review

Hello everybody. There are plenty of reviews of NX300 online but here is a special one. I continue reviewing my mirrorless stuff in long term point of view. I’ve been using this camera for 8 months and it’s time to share my personal long term experience with the world.

You can find the review here: Samsung NX300 user review by NXcamera

?Also here is a video compilation of my photos taken with this camera:

Full size images of the Fuji X-T1 (seen from all angles)

Fujirumors leaked the images of the X-T1 seen from all the possible angles! Here they are:

Some more info via FR:

– tilt screen / ISO  up to 51200 / magnestum body / EVF: 2.36 million OLED, 0.005s lag  <- this is EVF spec, the world highest / 0.08s AF speed (world fastest) / with optional battery grip / WIFI

Here is the updated specs list

announcement January 28th (trusted source)
bigger (x77 magnification) and better (high performance) EVF / (trusted +  anonymous sources)
APS-C X-Trans sensor II (16MP) / (trusted +  anonymous sources)
support for the UHS-II SD-card for super-fast writing speed / (trusted sources)
dual SD-Card slot (trusted source)
8fps with AF tracking / (trusted source)
weather sealed body / (trusted sources)
tilt screen (source who was right in the past, but not yet upgraded to trusted source + new source)
SLR-type (Fujica) design / (source who was right in the past, but not yet upgraded to trusted source)
name: X-T1 / (anonymous source + Fujifilm)
ISO  up to 51200 (new source)
smaller than the X-E2 (anonymous source)
18-55 kit lens (anonymous source + other rumor sites)
18-135 will be weather sealed (other rumor sites)
in stores mid-February (other rumor sites + anonymous source)
price range between X-E and X-PRO line / (new and anonymous sources)
priced at 180,000 yen (other rumor sites) or $1,8000 (anonymous source)
additional battery grip / (anonymous source)
faster AF then X-E2 / (new source) [I think that this source confused faster writing speed with faster AF-speed]

Fuji shows the teaser and a real image of the new X-T1!

As reported before Fuji will announce the new weather sealed X-mount X-T1 camera on January 28. And today Fuji launched that teaser site at It shows the first real picture of the camera!

These are some rumored specs/characteristics of the camera:

bigger (extra-large) and better (high performance) EVF / (trusted +  anonymous sources)
APS-C X-Trans sensor II (16MP) / (trusted +  anonymous sources)
support for the UHS-II SD-card for super-fast writing speed / (trusted sources)
8fps with AF tracking / (trusted source)
weather sealed body / (trusted sources)
tilt screen (source who was right in the past, but not yet upgraded to trusted source)
FujicaST-like (SLR-type) design / (source who was right in the past, but not yet upgraded to trusted source)
name: X-T1 / (anonymous source + Fujifilm)
price range between X-E and X-PRO line / (new and anonymous sources)
additional battery grip / (anonymous source)
faster AF then X-E2 / (new source)

Fuji X-T1 coming on January 28. Olympus E-M10 the day after (Jan. 29).

Mark those dates:

Fuji will announce the new X-T1 on January 28 at 5-6am London time.

Olympus will announce the new E-M10 on January 29 at 5-6am London time.

As usual I will cover the announcement live here on MirrorlessRumors. With live I mean I will continually update this site with news, reviews, image samples and so on!