Samyang 85mm f/1.4 for Fuji X, Sony E and Micro Four Thirds mount now shipping!

Samyang released the 85mm f/1.4 in native Fuji X, Sony E and MFT mount. And all these lenses are now in Stock for $299 at BHphoto (Click here).
Samyang released the 85mm f/1.4 in native Fuji X, Sony E and MFT mount. And all these lenses are now in Stock for $299 at BHphoto (Click here).
If you don’t want to use a cheap bag for your superbly built and expensive Haselblad Lunar or Leica M camera than you want this! The first original Luis Vuitton bag for small and medium sized cameras! It’s yours for $3.500 only!
I guess rich mean’s wives will be very happy to own that :)
This is the official description provided by Luis Vuitton:
Found via Dealsrunner.
Graph source: Hastalosmegapixeles
Hastalosmegapixeles (Click here) checked the full World Press Photo winner list and noticed that about 90% of the pictures have been taken with DSLR cameras. Only 3% with Mirrorless, and 7% with rangefinder or film cameras.
There is still a long way to go for Mirrorless System Cameras before they become as popular as DSLR. But the first goal has been achieved already: On a pure tech level cameras like the Fuji X-T1 and Olympus E-M1 are on par with the best APS-C DSLR cameras.
Our reader “Zetton” sent us this pictures of the new Ibelux 40mm f/0.85 and Ibegon 12mm f/2.8 lenses. The Ibelux is the fastest native mirrorless system camera lens to date and will ship for $2,000 in March. The Ibegon will cost a bot over $600 but launch date is unknown yet.
Fuji manager Toshihisa Iida has been interviewed by the Dpreview team. And these are the interesting things he mentioned:
– X-T1 preorders are twice as high as expected
– Focus is on high end market. Low end market is only important in Asia.
– Mirrorless camera share (all manufacturers) is 40% in Japan, 25% in Asia and 10% in US and Europe
– X-E2 firmware upgrade will improve the refresh rate of the EVF
– At the moment we focus on APS-C but we don’t rule out the possibility to use larger sensor in future.
I don’t recall a NEX camera to be as cheap as this one: NEX-3n with kit lens for $298 at Amazon (here). Really the best deal you can grab if you want a very good mirrorless camera for little money!