First rumored Leica camera specs (16MP APS-C sensor)

LavidaLeica got an invitation for the Leica event in Berlin. A bit strange they also claim to know the specs. If the specs are correct leica may not invite them in future again :)

Anyway they say that:

Camera has a 16MP APS-C sensor
Will cost $3k USD for body only
And $4k+ USD with lens…

Sounds too epxensive for what you get. But again, it’s a Leica :)

Will we get the first digital medium format mirrorless camera soon?

Sony could once again lead the digital mirrorless camera industry in a new territory. SonyAlphaRumors reports that there is a 50% chance Sony will announce a sort of digital Mamiya 7 but likely with fixed lens within the next 5-6 months!

The sensor should be the one already in use by the new Hasselblad and Phase One cameras (50 MP Cmos). There is not other detail yet but it sounds quite amazing!

Macro Extension AF Tubes for Samsung NX Review

It’s quite a long time since I started to look for some macro extension tubes for my Samsung NX system. I couldn’t find anything but people should never give up their desires :) I finally found some few weeks ago so I bought it immediately. Here I come with my test and some sample pictures.

Link for the review:

You can find some fresh sample photos in the gallery on the site with the review.

Official Leica event invitiation says new stuff will be unveiled at 7 pm CEST from April 24!

Image courtesy: Leica Camera Forum

The site Leica Camera Forum (Click here) posted the invitation they got from Leica. The original Leica text is in German but they kindly provided us with an english translation:

Nothing compares to and is more inspiring than the first touch.
We invite you to experience the haptic fascination of German engineering. Join us and celebrate with us the latest Leica innovation!

Sounds like something big has to come!

Fuji 18-135mm superzoom shipping in June!

Fujirumors reports that the weather sealed XF 18-135 has been delayed to early June at best (a previous rumor said April/May).

The two other WR zooms (16-55 and 50-140 f2.8) are not going to show up too fast… probably early September.

The TCL converter for the X100S should be available by end of April in Japan.