Panasonic has used Stock photos shot on other cameras (Canon and Nikon!) to promote the new Lumix S9

I really don’t get why we keep seeing this from companies. Panasonic has just been spotted using Stock Photos shot on Canon and Nikon cameras to promote the new Lumix S9. FukuiAsobiWeb tweeted about this with a long list of examples: See the example above shot on the Canon EOS 5DsR! Do companies do not understand that promoting your new camera using images shot on other cameras sounds like your camera isn’t good enough for the job?

Panasonic Japan was quick in responding and issued the following note (google translated):

About the images on the LUMIX S9 product website
We have received a number of enquiries about the images used on the product website for the new LUMIX S9 full-size mirrorless interchangeable-lens camera.
We have received a number of inquiries regarding the images used on the LUMIX S9 full-size mirrorless camera website.
The images used on the product website to introduce functions and scenes were partially licensed images from a stock photo service.
In addition to insufficient consideration of whether the images were appropriate for the product pages of a camera that generates creativity
In addition, the annotations on the website were in a location and with content that was difficult for customers to understand, as they were not taken with the new product.
We take your comments seriously and have changed our mind,
We will make the content easier to understand and communicate with users in a user-friendly manner.
As a camera manufacturer, we will strive to meet your expectations,
We will discuss a review of the content of the LUMIX website so that we can meet your expectations as a camera manufacturer.
We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere condolences to our loyal customers and to all LUMIX fans and camera enthusiasts,
We are very sorry for the anxiety and concern this situation has caused to our loyal customers, LUMIX fans and camera enthusiasts,
We are very sorry for the anxiety this has caused to our loyal customers, LUMIX fans and camera fans.
All of us involved promise to face everyone more sincerely and make changes,
We will renew our commitment.



Rumored Canon R1 specs and new leaked images


There are the rumored Canon R1 specs:

24mp CMOS BSI Stacked Sensor
Readout of about 2ms (Claimed)
Quad Pixel Autofocus
Intelligent AF tracking, it can track a specific target and ignore everything else.
16-bit Mechanical Shutter
14-bit Electronic Shutter
6K RAW at 120fps
Dual CFexpress Type B Card Slots
Compatible with CFexpress 4.0 Standard
USB-4 Port
Full Size HDMI Port
Eye Control AF II
$6499 USD (though this isn’t locked in as of yet)

CR notes from the leaked images:

There is a normal 3-axis flippy screen
There is a new M-Fn3 button on the top left (below the menu button)
There are four playback buttons below the display: playback, magnifying glass, dustbin, rating button
There is a LAN indicator light
There is also this interesting window beside the LAN light. We can’ speculate as to what it might.
The INFO button now is built into the vertical grip as well.
The Viewfinder is a lot bigger than the EOS R3. The EOS R3 EVF is 5,760,000, the EVF on the EOS R1 looks like it could get has high as 10,000,000 dots.
The Joysticks and AF Smart Control are included, as we already know.
The multi-shoe has a locking cap.
The memory card door has a lock.
The EOS R1 is far bigger than the EOS R3.
A mounting lug on the bottom of the camera for a wrist strap.
Battery Percentage on the top LCD, not just the bars we have seen on other Canon cameras.
The top button layout is the same as on the R3, with an added White Balance Button
On the top are also two new symbols near the M-Fn button and the LCD-light button in a blueish colour: according to Tony Northrup the gas-station-like Symbol is the FTP-Symbol which indicates a dedicated button for wireless transmission. The other one shows a crop-symbol which might be a sign for a integrated teleconverter
The ON-OFF switch on the side, is for controlling the vertical grip functions and was used on previous 1D-series Cameras, but is not built into the EOS R3.
The card slot seems just a little bigger than on the R3 to fit Dual CFexpress Type B cards.
The bottom shows us an HDMI logo, so it features full HDMI.
A diopter control is also built into the viewfinder.
The mode-switch is the same as on the EOS R3 and EOS R5.
Overall is the camera bigger, but especially thicker than the EOS R3, that also improves the ergonomics.
The battery voltage is something over 10V. While the EOS-1D Mark III and EOS R3’s LP-E19 battery runs with 10.8V. The EOS R1 appears to show 15v on the identifying sticker on the bottom of the camera.

via CanonRumors

Is camera/lens production affected by a global shipping crisis?

TheLoadster reports:

A surprisingly strong market, plus lower ship capacity due to the Red Sea crisis, is creating a shortage of both ships and containers.

If you google around you will find many news about this crisis. I find it hard to believe that this won’t affect the camera industry too. Could explain the shortage on some cameras and lenses and maybe affect the future launch of new cameras.

First images of the Canon R1 spotted at the F1 Grand Prix in Monaco

Federico Basile has spotted the first pre production Canon R1 camera at the F1 Grand Prix in Monaco!

You can read the full press text on Explora but here are the key interesting aspects:

  • It’s going to use a new CMOS sensor (so no global shutter)
  • Uses a variation of the current Digic X processor of the Canon R3.
  • promises to have the best in class autofocus…beating the Sony A1 and Sony A9III AF system.
  • Will be field tested at the Olympics

via CanonRumors

Just announced: new Leica D-LUX 8

Leica just announced the new D-LUX8. You can reorder it now at BHphoto, Adorama. A full introduction can be read at Explora. There are only a few changes from the previous D-LUX 7:

Leica tuned the design and controls to look and feel like that of a Q series or even M camera. The controls have been refined and connectivity has been modernized with the Leica FOTOS app.