First leaked images of the new Ricoh WG-7

Nokishita leaked those images and info about the new Ricoh WG-7:

The main features of Ricoh “WG-7” are “capable of shooting continuously for 2 hours at a depth of 20m”, “4K video shooting function”, and “web camera function capable of high-quality, high-definition video distribution”. Reservation starts on June 17th, and the planned release date is July 9th.


Leaked images of the new Nikon Zfc. to be announced on June 28?

Nikon might announce this new retro styled Zfc camera on June 28. Not sure yet it that image is the true camera but here are the rumored specs:

  • Model name: Zfc (or ZFC or Z-Fc) – not sure what the Zfc stands for – “F Classic” maybe? The Zfc will be basically an APS-C-based Z-mount version of the Df camera (maybe it will just be called Nikon Zf – it makes more sense to me).
  • Nikon Z-mount APS-C mirrorless camera.
  • The technical specifications will be very close to the Nikon Z50.
  • Very thin camera body without a handgrip.
  • Nikon Df-inspired design with mechanical dials and articulating screen (“selfie screen”).
  • Shape and handling similar to old Nikon FM cameras.
  • Three different colors are rumored: silver, black, and brown (leather?)
  • Price with kit lens: $999.
  • The new APS-C mirrorless lenses for Z-mount could be named “SE”: 28mm f/2.8 and/or 35mm f/1.8 (kit lens).
  • The new DX lenses will not be retro, will have the familiar Nikkor Z design.
  • Official announcement expected on June 28
  • The other date I heard is July 31 – I think this is the actual shipping date.

via NikonRumors

Sigma CEO Yamaki: It might take til 2023 till we are ready with the new Foveon FF camera

Sigma CEO Yamaki said in a Dpreview interview:

We’re still at the research and development stage for the sensor. It’s mainly being worked on by Sigma engineers here. It will take some time to have a prototype of the new 3-layer X3 sensor and then we’ll see if we can move to the next stage, which will be a product. I don’t think we’ll have a product to show in 2021. Maybe 2022 or even 2023. We don’t know what kind of technical issues or challenges we’ll have to solve with the sensor yet.

Sounds like we have to wait a very long time to get this :(