Next cameras on the horizon: E-M5 coming soon. X-PRO2 will be “worth the wait”

Well, this is a rumor site after all and we do not care a lot about existing cameras :) So let’s talk about what’s coming as next!
First, Olympus manager Haruo said it loud and clear: The E-M5 successor is coming soon! (Source: 43rumors).
Second, the nice Fuji guys duo confirmed the X-PRO2 is on the roadmap and that it will be “worth the long wait”. It will not be a Full Frame camera. (Source: Fujirumors).
And now mark my words: I heard from trusted sources both cameras use a very new sensor tech. Mark my words. One day you will remember you heard it from me first. Will spill out more as soon as I get info about that new “tech”.