Byungdeok Nam, Senior Vice President of Samsung’s R&D team has been interviewed at Dpreview. I really like what Samsung is doing on the technological front but I have to say their market prediction regarding mirrorless were always wrong in the past. So I wouldn’t trust the latest statement they made in their new interview:
I wouldn’t like to say, but since 2008 when mirrorless systems were announced, mirrorless didn’t grow very rapidly. In the last year, however, market reports are predicting that in 2018/19 mirrorless cameras will outsell DSLRs.
It’s certainly more interesting to read about the NX1 development story. To design and make the NX1 sensor they worked for three years. And the NX1 development goal was:
Full-frame, high-end DSLRs. The ones around the $5000 level. That’s our benchmark.
They certainly did an extremely good job with the NX1!