There are a couple of new firmwares for your mirrorless cameras:
1) Fuji X100 – Download here
The firmware update Ver.1.11 incorporates the following issues.
1.Performance of auto focus at near distance has been improved.
2.When “SHADW TONE” is set to “MEDIUM SOFT” or “SOFT”, live view in LCD may display with abnormal pattern (so-called “solarisation”) just after pressing the shutter halfway. This update improves the phenomena.
3.When self-timer mode is selected, focus and exposure (AE/AF) are set just after pressing the shutter button and these settings are remained for the final shutter releasing.
2) Ricoh GR Digital III firmware version 2.50 – Download here
1. The displayed text for aperture / shutter speed may be lacking when auto rotating. Modified the display correctly.
2. Improved focus accuracy when Spot AF is used under brightness environment.
3. Corrected the focus-bar display under the following conditions. Aperture Priority mode or Manual Exposure mode for mode dial; [Snap] for Focus; and [1.5 m] for Snap Focus Distance.
4. White Balance Compensation in the Playback mode is now available for JPEG files that are recorded with RAW images.
3) Samsung NX5, NX10, NX11 and NX100 (found via OpenPn)
– NX5 version 1.21 Download here.
– NX10 version 1.31 Download here.
– NX11 version 1.11 Download here.
– NX100 version 1.12 Download here.
4) Olympus E-P3 version 1.1 Download here
1. The issue of the buttons not working when the Monitor (Touch screen) is touched while using the Electronic viewfinder has been resolved.
2. The issue of the AF target not displaying while using the Eye-Fi card has been resolved.