Mirrorless market share shrinking in Japan. Ricoh, Olympus and Panasonic do fire people.
The one year market share data posted at BCNranking (Click here) shows that mirrorless share felt from 36,7% in December 2010 to 31% in April 2011. I guess this is a normal fluctuation caused by the fact that there have been no new mirrorless cameras and lenses during the last couple of months. I expect the trend to go up again after the Sony-Samsung-Panasonic-Olympus June product announcements!
But there are some bad news too today :(
1) Ricoh plans to cut 9% of its workforce and consolidate factories over the next three years to help boost growth (Photoradar).
2) A month ago Panasonic announced that it will cut 35,000 (overseas) employees (Click here to read that article at 43rumors).
3) The new CEO from Olympus (the brit Michael Woodford) said “he will cut jobs to achieve his mid-term cost targets and reverse what he said was an unacceptable slump in earnings, but would avoid forced redundancies in Japan for cultural reasons.“ (Click here to read that article at 43rumors).
Damn :(