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Ken Rockwell likes the Fuji X100 (wants Fuji to make a fullframe camera)

[shoplink 100018 ebay][/shoplink]The “starblogger” Ken Rockwell felt in love with the [shoplink 100018 ebay]Fuji X100[/shoplink]. He keeps posting pictures and notes about the camera. I post a short excerpt of his impressions:
Initial impressions are that it rules. Images are super-sharp, and look great even at ISO 800 and f/2. Except for some odd quirks like hard-crashing just like theĀ LEICA M9 did in 2009, the X100 is a winner. As expected, it’s very Japanese: way too many features, menu BS and sloppy programming getting in the way of just shooting. The X100 has all the crazy film modes and tweaks of Fuji’s DSLRs. I’m hoping that once I select which of the 10,000 display modes suit me that it will be smooth. Since the makes such horrible JPGs and has such horrible auto WB and no blue/amber fine tuning, the JPGs out of the X100 are superior to the M9’s JPGs.
He liked the camera such a lot that he invited Fuji to make a fullframe camera to rule out the Leica M9 :) Read more at!

The Fuji X100 is almost impossible to find in Stock. You can find some of them in auction on [shoplink 100018 ebay]eBay (Click here)[/shoplink]. But as usual price is much higher than the official 1200 Euro/Dollars!!!

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