Finally “someone” leaked the real name and specs of the camera. Wellsfargoadvisors (Click here) is sharing to us the official info: “The highlight of the offerings is the Fujifilm X-Pro1, which is a highly featured compact system camera. Fuji-filim said it will build on the success of the [shoplink 100018 ebay]X100 model[/shoplink], by adding a camera that features a custom-developed 16-megapixel APS-CMOS sensor incorporating a new filter array and the company’s proprietary EXR processor technology.
The camera also includes a second-generation hybrid view-finder and takes three prime interchangeable Fuji-non lenses, all with fast apertures.
The lenses include: the 18mm (27mm equivalent) f/2.0, 35mm (53mm equivalent) f/1.4 and 60mm (90mm equivalent) f/2.4.”
The name of the camera we found through a french magazine was right after all! But what I am wondering is what that new “filter array” is…..could it be a sort of foveon sensor? Would explain why a 16 megapixel sensor would have a higher resolution than all current FF sensors!
P.S.: And I absolutely like the selection of lenses. A fast wide angle, a must have normal lens and a portrait lens. Sounds good for the beginning!