The most unusual mirrorless (fixed lens) camera on market is certainly the Lytro Illum. It is shipping now at Amazon and BHphoto. If you want to learn more about the camera read the full review at ePhotozine:
“The camera is quite large and bulky and does take some time to get to grips with, particularly in regards to the best way to take photos. Manual focus over-ride is beneficial for getting the best results from the camera. Plus, this makes you think about how you are taking photos and what elements you want to be in focus, or rather what elements you want to be re-focusable. This is a completely different way of thinking compared to traditional photography as traditionally, you would have one item in focus and control the depth of focus using the aperture. However, with the Lytro Illum, as there is the creative potential to have a much larger area in focus (without having to stop down to a much smaller aperture), it is best used in creating photos with a number of elements at different distances from the camera. Outputting still images from the Lytro Illum is not the intended goal of the camera, creating interactive images is and at this, the camera excels.“
P.S.: Also de popular German Magazine Der Spiegel tested the Kamera. The Lytro Illum will be released on December 12 in Japan (DC.watch). A report about the Japan presentation can be found at Itmedia.