I believe for the very first time a company made a significant step forward to a really useable smartphone camera hardware plugin solution. Unlike the Sony QX Lenscamera series the new DxO One looks like a much more elegant and simple solution!
Dpreview writes:
Image quality will far exceed that of the current iPhone models, due to the 1″-type sensor paired with the bright F1.8 lens. On top of that, expert image processing is nothing new to DxO, and the ONE’s ‘SuperRaw’ mode should lead to significantly better low-light performance (more later).
Its size means there’s no energy barrier to you just carrying it with you everywhere you go. Since the display and some of the computing power are off-loaded to the phone and to the desktop software (for processing of Raws, for example), you cut down on the size and weight of the camera, since you’ve always got a little computer and display in your pocket anyway.
It’s the first truly connected camera. Yes we’ve seen the likes of the QX-series of cameras from Sony, the Olympus Air, etc., but the fast, physical lightning connection to the iPhone means a very usable live display (there’s barely any lag, and certainly no stuttering). Additionally, DxO will push updates to the dedicated app and the camera’s firmware as well. We’ve been waiting a long time for something like this, and DxO promises it already has a roadmap for new features to be added to the camera firmware itself.
Hands-on at Techradar:
This is an exciting development from a company that knows a lot about lens design and image quality. The One is well made and is simple to use but it has a price that’s comparable with that of a decent SLR or CSC kit.
Really a smart gadget from DxO!!!