Some minor rumors and news: new Sony WX800, Fujifilm Instax Square SQ20 and PowerShot SX70

Before to move on to BIG rumors let’s clear the path by posting some minor news and rumors:

Canon PowerShot SX70 HS Digital Camera has been announced yesterday and you can preorder it at BHphoto.

Sony registered a new compact camera named WX800 (via Nokishita)

The Fujifilm Instax Square SQ20 (read more at Fujirumors).

Ok, reayd to go now? Big rumors coming!

WTF? Leica, Sigma and Panasonic will work together to develop the Full Frame SL mount camera system

And so all cards are on the table now: ON September 25 Leica, Sigma and Panasonic will announce a new profound partnership. Together they will develop cameras and lenses based on the Leica SL mount.

Expect them to announce cameras and lenses that will likely out-wow what Canon and Nikon announced weeks ago. But will that be enough to get a meaningful market share in the FF mirrorless world? You tell me in the comment system…


Leaked image of the new Sony 24mm f/1.4 GM lens

First the bad news: Tomorrow Sony will NOT announce any new camera. And now the good news: Sony will announce a new 24mm f/1.4 GM and possibly a new 135mm GM lens too. The image on top shows the 24mm GM lens which looks quite compact in my eyes. Nice lens! Let’s hope Sony will not put a stupidly high price tag on it…

These are the leaked images of the FIVE new Sigma lenses!

Sigma 56mm f/1.4 DC APS-C E-mount lens

Sigma is going to make everyone happy by announcing a new set of lenses. The image on tops shows the Sigma 56mm f/1.4 which will be available for MFT and Sony E-mount users. Below you can find their new Full Frame lenses which I suspect will be made available for Sony FE too:

Sigma 28mm f/1.4


Sigma 40mm f/1.4


Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8



Sigma 60-600mm 4.5-6.3

via Nokishita

This is the 100% accurate sketch of the new GFX-50R

Fujirumors shared these 100% accurate sketches of the new GFX-50R. Rumored specs beside the alreayd known 50 Megapixel sensor:

priced around $4,500
dual SD-card slot
no more cooling box
EVF only
2 axis tilt screen
first real life leaked image

This could be the first Medium Format for the masses! I know, $4,500 is still a lot of money, but only a couple of years ago you had to pay $10,000+ for these kind of cameras. And maybe next year the GFX-50R will get some discount and get closer to the $4,000 price…