Rumored Panasonic G100 Mark II specs

CameraBeta claims to know that the G100II is coming soon. It says the camera will have the following specs:

  • 25.2MP Live MOS Micro Four Thirds Sensor
  • 779-Point Phase-Detection AF System
  • 4K 60p 4:2:2 10-Bit Video Recording
  • Single UHS-II SD Slots

First totally wild Sony A9III specs

There is a fair chance Sony might unveil the A9III on or around November 7. But when it comes to the possible specs we are still sitting in the dark. First totally wild rumors are saying it might be looking like this:

  • Nearly same A1 body
  • 33-36MP sensor
  • no 8K
  • 40fps 12 bit RAW
  • 30fps 14 bit RAW