Sony says we got no problem making f/1.0 lenses but f/1.2 are economically more feasible

Oh yes folks, we are back talking about the mount size discussion. Nikon somehow introduced that viral argument that “Bigger is Better” when it comes to mount size and the web is full of heated debates on this.

It’s my understanding that yes mount size can give you in some occasions a little bit of advantage but that this is actually negligible and certainly not as remarkable as suggested by the Nikon marketing machine.

Sony manager Tanaka just gave a clear answer on that matter: No, mount size doesn’t matter! Sony would have no issue making f/1.0 autofocus lenses but the real limit here is economical and practical. Such a lens would be huge and very expensive. Mr. Tanaka said that f/1.2 autofocus lenses make much more sense.

My personal bet is that Sony will launch a 85mm f/1.2 FE lens to smack it into the face of Nikon marketing machine :)

Canon EOS-R with 75 megapixel to be announced in late 2019? Unlikely…

Canonrumors reports that Canon might announce a new 75 Megapixel EOS-R camera in late 2019. From what I heard (and CanonWatch heard the same) this seems to be unlikely to happen in 2019. Yes there will be a High Resolution camera but it’s going to have a lower resolution.

What we heard is that Canon is in heavy process evaluating the EOS-R hits and misses. While they nailed it with the RF lenses the camera lags seriously behind the competition and has some usability issues too. That is something Canon will work on before to launch a new EOS-R Pro Level camera.

Nikon says that “In theory” they could make f/0,65 Z-mount lenses!

The french website Mizuwari interviewed Nicolas Gillet from Nikon France. Here are some key info:

1) Nikon wants to beat Sony in the European Full Frame market (Currently Sony leads it).
2) With the Noct-Nikkor 58mm f / 0.95, they just want to show what we are capable of doing when they detach ourselves from all the F-mount limits.
3) Nikon’s optical engineers have calculated that the Z mount can accept lenses up to f/0.65!

I am pretty sure Nikon has no plan to make a f/0,65 lens. It would be terribly expensive and terribly big. But good to know they can do it :)


These are the two next Sony FF sensors that will be sold to all camera manufacturers

SonyAlphaRumors got realiable info about the next two Full Frame sensors that will go on market in 2019:
Sensor 1:
16 channels (which is crazy, normally it should be 8),
Sensor 2:
on-chip PDAF
These sensors can be bought by any company. I guess Pentax will use them first and maybe Nikon later. I doubt Canon will use them as this would mean they would have to give up their whole sensor department :)

Sony officially registered a new mirrorless system camera in Asia. Is the A7000 coming soon?

Sony has been surprisingly quiet at Photokina and PhotoPlus. For the first time in more than ten years they did NOT announce a new camera. I guess Sony postponed all camera released to see what the competition would launch.

And well today we got some good news: Sony registered a new camera model in Asia which according to Nokishita is a new E-mount system camera. The registration doesn’t unveil if that’s an APS-C or FF model but SonyAlphaRumors is pretty sure the camera will be the new A7000.

The question now is…when will they announce it?