Sony 8K sensors are coming and here are the full leaked specs!

A whole bunch of leaked documents posted by SonyAlphaRumors make it clear Sony is ready for 8K:

1) Sony has finalized the new XEVC 8K code (details on SAR).
2) There is a 60MP 8K sensor (details on SAR).
3) There is a 36MP 8K sensor (details on SAR).

No don’t get too excited: While sensor and codec will support 8K the hardware might not. Processor speed and heating issues might be the limiting factor here. I expect 8K to be implemented on large camcorder bodies first, It might take 1-2 years before we get in on more normal sized compact mirrorless cameras.

These could be the first leaked images of the new SUPERHEAVY Olympus E-M1X :)

If these images are legit than get ready for a first supersized MFT camera! The new E-M1X is huge and solid like a tank. I still cannot figure out if this makes sense or not…

E-M1X specs:

Name: E-M1X OMD camera
Sensor: 20MP (not global shutter)

Frame rate: 18fps
7.5+ EV stabilization
2x the processing speed of the E-m1X
Autofocus: Adaptive and expandable focal points. Two examples. If you are shooting a person, then shift to shooting a car, the number of focal points will automatically expand. If you are shooting a basketball player, you will get a vertical series of 5 focal points.

Body Size: 144.37 x 146.765 x 75.345mm (body with a built in vertical grip)
High Res: Can shoot handheld High Resolution images (around 80MP) at 1/60s
Photography focus: Sports and Wildlife shooters
Same batteries as E-M1 Mk II
Larger EVF

Launch: January 2019 along “2 tele zooms, 1 wide angle zoom. speedlight. zuiko binoculars”
Availability: February

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Fuji Panasonic lovers rejoice: This is your first camera with organic sensor and this ight change everything?

Nearly all companies (expect Canon and maybe Leica) are totally dependant from Sony sensors. Well this might change soon for Panasonic and Fuji. Years ago both companies have announced a partnership to work on their own new organic sensors. And finally they are ready to launch their first cameras using this new sensor!

What you see here is a Panasonic 8k camcorder using the new organic sensor. Iw ill be officially released in late 2019. And I seriously cannot wait to see this sensor be used on Panasonic and Fuji cameras too!

Panasonic said that this sensor can achieve a high sensitivity and dynamic range that CANNOT be matched by current inorganic (silicon) sensors. The camcorder you see here has these specs:

  • Global Shutter (exposes all pixels at the same time and read the data all at once). This will at last kill the distortion caused by rolling shutters.
  • 88 at 60fps
  • Panasonic said the sensor has “high sensitivity” and “wide dynamic range” but did not share exact numbers
  • It has a step less electronic ND filter (Panasonic said it does NOT change color balance when using it)
  • Sensor can switch between “high-sensitivity” mode and “high-saturation” mode

I am loving that!


More info about that sensor on this previous 43rumors article.

Panasonic and Sony announcements at CES: What can we expect?

Panasonic and Sony will show new products at the CES show. What can we hope to get from these companies?

Panasonic could unveil some more details or even the full specs of the new S1-S1R cameras.
Sony is rumored to announce a full set of 8K products including a camera/camcorder.

Canon, Nikon,Olympus, Pentax have no scheduled CES events.

Panasonic: 8k on MFT is complicated while 8k on Full frame is coming in 2020

L-rumors spotted and translated this new Panasonic interview posted by the french website Mizuwari. And yes there are some bad news for MFT and good for the future L-mount fans:

1) Panasonic’s first goal is to give current MFT users a possibility to step up into Full Frame.

2) There are some physical limitations with MFT that Panasonic wants to overcome with Full Frame. Panasonic had no doubt that theyr would arrive in full format one day or another, because technically speaking the 8K on Micro 4/3 is complicated, if not impossible.

3) Panasonic will keep the promise and announce an 8K Full Frame camera by 2020

4) The full format will not meet the expectations and needs of a lot of users who will choose to turn to Lumix, if only because of size and price. So, of course, again, we will continue to release Micro 4/3 lenses and cameras, and our 10-25mm f / 1.7 under development is a good example of this.

5) Already 8 years ago Panasonic was thinking about going Full Frame

I wonder what Olympus managers are thinking right now. Will they go Full Frame too?