New Olympus E-M1X teaser and new rumored specs!

Olympus released their third E-M1X teaser video. But there is little we don’t know about this camera. 43rumors has published an updated specs list and the E-M1X has built-in “GPS, thermometer and barometer”

Name: E-M1X OMD camera
Sensor: 20MP (not global shutter)

Frame rate: 18fps
7.5+ EV stabilization
2 TruePic VIII processors
2x the processing speed of the E-m1II
Autofocus: Adaptive and expandable focal points. Two examples. If you are shooting a person, then shift to shooting a car, the number of focal points will automatically expand. If you are shooting a basketball player, you will get a vertical series of 5 focal points.

Body Size: 144.37 x 146.765 x 75.345mm (body with a built in vertical grip)
High Res: Can shoot handheld High Resolution images (around 80MP) at 1/60s (slowest possible is 1/20s).
Photography focus: Sports and Wildlife shooters
Same batteries as E-M1 Mk II
Live electornic ND filter
built in GPS, thermometer and barometer
Larger EVF
Price: Close to $3,000
Launch: January 24… along “2 tele zooms, 1 wide angle zoom. speedlight. zuiko binoculars”
Availability: February

At last a Sony announcement! New mid level APS-C camera to be announced within 24 hours!

Sony’s last camera announcement happened 11 months ago with the A7III launch. This is AGES for a company like Sony that used to unveil a plethora of new cameras every year. I guess the A7III success did delay the launch of other models. And maybe they wanted to check out the new Canon and Nikon FF mirrorless cameras to see what they will fight against in the near future.

Anyway, we are finally there and tomorrow Sony is rumored to launch a new APS-C “medium-level” camera. Not the A7sIII and not the A7000 we were waiting for but at least finally something more affordable for the masses :)

UPDATE: these are the Sony A6400 specs:

Sony A6400 recap (ILCE6400):
– Sony A6400 will be announced on Jan 15 between 4-5pm London time.
– It’s going to become the new mid-level camera replacing both the A5100 and entry level A6xxx cameras
– It has a classic A6xxx design but it has the A5100 selfie screen (SAR note: That’s why for a short moment I thought this was an A5xxx camera…but it’s not).
– new APS-C sensor

– Made for vloggers
– 4K30p (it has NOT 4k60p)

– No Z-battery and no dual SD card slot
– But has some new “exciting” features

Damn, that new Olympus E-M1X is really going to be priced at $3,000!

43rumors leaked new images of the E-M1X. But what’s not so good news the previously rumored price tag of $3,000 got confirmed. This will be by far the most expensive MFT camera on the market. This is a price in the realm of top mirroless cameras like the Nikon Z7 and Sony A7rIII. It’s also close to the (now expired) holiday price of the Sony A9 which was $3500.

I have no idea if at that price Olympus will sell any meaningful numbers of this camera. Still, we have to wait and see some real testing to see if indeed the E-M1X has some impressive features that can justify the price.


First image of the Fuji GFX100 back

Courtesy of gao3366

Fujirumors spotted this first image of the back of the $10,000 Fuji GFX100 medium format camera. The camera has 2 joysticks, no D-Pad and a 3-way tilt screen. But this is a prototype and things migh change til the official release in mid 2019.

Fujirumors also reports the 16mm f/2.8 XF lens is scheduled for release in early 2019…which means soon :)