Samsung NX100 leaked on Samsungs website!

Samsung is almost ready to launch the new NX100! We found the name of the camera on the Samsung website. There is not more information, but we already know that the NX100 will be a compact camera very similar to the $loc = $_SESSION[‘geoip’];

if ($loc == ‘GB’ OR $loc == ‘UK’)
{ $sel = “1”; ?>Panasonic GF1 }
if ($loc == ‘ES’)
{ $sel = “1”; ?>Panasonic GF1 }
if ($loc == ‘IT’)
{ $sel = “1”; ?>Panasonic GF1 }
if ($loc == ‘AT’)
{ $sel = “1”; ?>Panasonic GF1 }
if ($loc == ‘DE’)
{ $sel = “1”; ?>Panasonic GF1 }
if ($loc == ‘BE’)
{ $sel = “1”; ?>Panasonic GF1 }
if ($loc == ‘AU’)
{ $sel = “1”; ?>Panasonic GF1 }
if ($loc == ‘FR’ OR $loc == ‘FX’)
{ $sel = “1”; ?>Panasonic GF1 }
if ($loc == ‘NL’)
{ $sel = “1”; ?>Panasonic GF1 }
if ($loc == ‘CA’)
{ $sel = “1”; ?>Panasonic GF1 }
if ($loc == ‘US’)
{ $sel = “1”; ?>Panasonic GF1 }
if ($loc == ‘JA’ OR $loc == ‘JP’)
{ $sel = “1”; ?>Panasonic GF1 }
if ($sel != ‘1’)
{?>Panasonic GF1 } ?>!