Sony announces the RX100 (for $649)

It is not a interchangeable lens system camera but it could be a nice alternative of some mirrorless camera. The Sony RX100 has been officially announced and can be preordered now at Amazon US (Click here), Adorama (Click here) and BHphoto (Click here).

First preview and image sample can be seen here at Dpreview. Another preview is available at Imaging Resource. Some thoughts by Carl Garrard. Press release at ThePhoBlographer.

UPDATE: There is a first full RX100 review at Techradar and rates it with 4.5 of 5 points: “If we were assessing the camera based solely on what it is capable of outputting, it would be easy to say that this camera is near-on perfect for the target market.

UPDATED_2: Another Full review at Imaging Resource: “As with the low-contrast crops, the high-contrast crops show the Sony RX100 besting the S100 and Nikon J1

Ikeas cardboard mirroless camera :)

Ikea had the nice idea to create a “mirrorless” camera made of cardboard. Watch the video on top to see how it works! And the first camera is now for sale on .
I think its apretty genious idea! Want that :)

Fuji president: We didn’t want to buy Leica, but we wanted Olympus…and are ready to fight Alzheimer!

The prestigious German journal “Frankfurter Allgemeine” posted a full interview with Fuji president Komori. I translated the most important parts of the Interview for you:
1) We were considering the acquisition of Leica but it didn’t fit within our strategy.
2) We were ready to buy Olympus (yes he uses the past “were” and not the present “are”!). We made an offer to Olympus but I think Olympus is trying to remain independent.
3) Only 1% of our company earnings are made through classic film sales.
4) Komori also talks a lot about the med business: “we are developing a new drug against Alzheimer”. And the film knowledge they have is very useful for the cosmetics industry. The antioxidants we use on films do also work on the human skin!

The overall impression I got from the interview is that Fuji is one of the few Japanese companies that is not in a deep crisis (like Sony, Panasonic or Olympus for example). They are heavily investing in research and at the same time they are enlarging their business on more profitable areas like medicine and cosmetics. That’s why they are more interested in an Olympus partnership than a Leica acquisition. And I think that is indeed an intelligent way of thinking business. There wasn’t a lot of talk about the digital camera strategy but I have a positive feeling about the company and their digital camera future!

via Systemkameraforum.

Mirrorless news roundup…(G1X, K-01, E-M5, X PRO1, NEX-7)

50mm prime battle at 3Dkraft.

There are so many new mirrorless camera reviews it’s time for a roundup!

E-M5 at EosHD, Cnet US, Camerazealot, DCresource, Macworld, Trustedreview, Photoreview Australia
X PRO 1 at Cameralabs, Gianni Galassi, Soundimagesplus,Fujifilmpro.livejournal.
NEX-7 at ThePhoBlographer.
NEX-FS100 at Philip Bloom.
Canon G1X at Imaging Resource.
Pentax K-01 at Focusmedia.
Panasonic 12-35mm lens at Camerastuffreview, Photographyblog, ePhotozine, SLRgear and DSLRmagazine.
50mm prime battle at 3Dkraft.

On the rumors front we have the quite time before the Canon storm :)  No leaks at Canonrumors or Canonwatch yet. There will be soon news on the Samyang and Sony front (New NEX-F5!).

Olympus announces the new 75mm f/1.8 lens. Fuji the new M mount adapter!

UPDATE: You can right now preorder the lens at Amazon (Click here) and BHphoto (Click here).

Today Olympus announced the new 75mm f/1.8 lens ($899). You can read all about the lens at Dpreview, Systemkameraforum (german), Full Lens PDF at Olympus Australia and Image samples at Olympus Japan. A great but also a bit expensive lens (compared to the 45mm f/1.8).

And Fuji just released the new M mount adapter you can already preorder at Adorama (Click here).

What’s coming next are 1) Panasonic G5 announcement 2) Samyang X lens announcement and 3) Canon announcement. Stay tuned!

New Panasonic 12-35mm announced and reviewed (Olympus 75mm 1.8 coming soon).

Finally the first of the two bright Panasonic zoom prototypes has been announced. The 12-35mm f/2.8 OIS lens. You can right now read the full review at (Click here) and Click here for the google english translation. There is no info about the second 35-100mm X lens. I guess it’s coming much later only. And ina couple of days Olympus will launch the 75mm f/1.8 portrait lens too!

Other mirrorless system really have to do a lot to catch up or at least get close to the Micro Four Thirds Lens offering!!!

Mirrorless news roundup… (X100 ripped after saltwater contact)

Saltwater is a great enemy for all electronic devices. James Mahrer (Click here) had an accident and the X100 got washed by seawater. The camera didnt’ work anymore so he ripped the camera in 1000 pieces to see what’s inside :) Now you know it…use dry bags when you go on sea!!!

And here you have more Mirrorless news:

Samsung 20mm f/2.8 NX iFunction Pancake Lens Review at ePhotozine (Click here).
Samsung NX210 first impression review at Digitalcamerainfo (Click here).
Samsungs new cameras got a price at Adorama:
Samsung NX20 at Adorama
Samsung NX210 at Adorama
NX1000 at Adorama

Pentax K-01 field test images at Outbackphoto (Click here).

Previewing the new Leica M Monochrome by TheInvisiblePhotographer (Click here).

Panasonic 14-140mm lens review at ePhotozine (Click here).
Olympus 75.300mm lens review at Photoreview (Click here).
Olympus Digital 14-42mm f/3.5-5.6 ED Lens Review at Photoreview (Click here).

Lori Grunin from Cnet USA (Click here) posted the first full Sony NEX-F3 review: “Though it doesn’t wow us for any particular aspect, the Sony Alpha NEX-F3 is a nice overall package for photographers looking for something with better photo quality and more flexible than a point-and-shoot.