Official! Ricoh GR announced! And preorders in US.

You can already check specs and price and preorder the camera at Bhphoto (Click here) and Adorama (Click here).

In Short:
Ricoh announced the smallest and cheapest APS-C fixed lens camera on market. Definitely a great camera!

Full Ricoh GR news roundup (Continually updated!):
Preview at Dpreview, ePhotozine.
First impression review at ThePhoBlographer.
Press release at ePhotozine, Photographyblog, Focus Numerique (french), Cnet, Techradar, LeMondeDeLaPhoto (french), Amateur Photographer, Pentax Japan (Japanese), Ming Thein, Quesabesde (Spanish), PetaPixel, DSLRmagazine (Spanish).
Presentation video (that has been leaked before) on youtube.
Ricoh GR Vs Nikon Coolpix A Comparison at ePhotozine.

Here is the official new Fuji X lens roadmap! 55-200mm released, Zeiss coming and f/1.2 lens!

Fuji officially announced the new 55-200mm lens and also released the updated lens roadmap! A complete lens report is available at Fujirumors. The lens costs $699 and in Europe 649 Euro. It ships in May and preorders are alreayd up at BHphoto (Click here). The lens roadmap contains the info about the new Ziess lenses. Two of them (The Planar and Distagon) are coming in ;ay. The XF p27mm pancake is coming in June. Three more lenses by end of the year and than we have that super fast 56mm f/1.2 lens coming in January. This is a great roadmap!!!

Fuji changes the lens roadmap and will release the 56mm f/1.2 in January 2014!

the “Old” Fuji lens roadmap.

Fujirumors reports that tomorrow Fuji will announce a new updated lens roadmap. And the previously listed 56mm f/1.4 will become a bit faster with a f/1.2 aperture and a final release in January 2014. That sounds like a hell of a portrait lens!

One more Fuji news: The new X100s will ship after tomorrow at Amazon US (Click here to grab it).

Reminder: Fuji announcement at 5am London time while the Ricoh announcement follows at 6am London time!


The lens will nwo be a bit faster….but here is the image of the f/1.4 prototype:

Fuji X100s shipping at Amazon US. And Ricoh GR coming soon to compete against it.

The X100s is “almost” in Stock at Amazon US (Click here to grab one). it will ship on April 19. And there is only one left in Stock at .

But Ricoh fans should resist the Fuji temptation because in a few days there will be a new GR camera. Photo Rumors posted some more specs:

  • The new Ricoh GR will have a new processor called GR Engine 5.
  • Very fast and improved AF and start-up time.
  • No anti-aliasing (AA) filter.
  • High ISO up to 25,600
  • 1080P at 30fps HD video recording capabilities with continuous AF (H.264 format).
  • Built-in stereo mic.
  • The 28mm f/2.8 lens is completely re-designed and will have a 9 blades aperture.
  • Ricoh will also offer a wide angle conversion lens (GW-3) with a 21mm focal length.
  • The new GR will be compatible with Eye-Fi memory cards.
  • The US price will be around $800.
  • Announcement is next week. Shipping should start in May, 2013.