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Tamron says they can easily do lenses for the future Canon and Nikon Full Frame mirrorless cameras

The folks over at Dpreview posted a nice interview with the Tamron managers. They talk a lot about their new Tamron 28-75mm FE lens. And they repeated multiple times that developing lenses for mirrorless system will be their main focus from now on. They also said something exciting for those who want to buy into the future Canon and Nikon FF mirrorless system:

Everybody is going to mirrorless. Canon and Nikon will launch full-frame mirrorless cameras, probably in the near future. When this happens, we can easily make Canon and Nikon versions of our [native] E-mount lenses. The same design could work for [multiple mirrorless mounts].

I guess Nikon and Canon should be happy to know that Tamron is ready to make lenses for their new system. The Sony FE lens system is quite large by now and they will need every help they can get!

via Nikoneye.

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